Chapter One: Samantha

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Of A

Stolen Butterfly



Raylene Rios


Dedicated to the loved ones

who can't be here with us tonight.




Chapter One:



I stared out into the surrounding darkness. The slight glare of my reflection was just a slap in the face, that I have yet to feel. The warm, early summer night was calling my name. Teasing me, carelessly.

"Come on, Sam...step out into my warm embrace...let the wonders of my touch exploit you, and sweep you away..." It called, teasingly. "You know you want to..." It was right. I wanted to, so badly. Badly enough to trace my fingers over the chipped white-painted wood, that was my windowsill.

I allowed them to linger for just a second longer, before finally coming to a decision. I sighed, as I dropped my hand to my side. The sudden click of my doorknob turning to open, caused me to jump and spin around. My dad poked his head into my room, and I frowned, slightly annoyed that he was attempting to make conversatison. Again. He's literally been doing this every five minutes, and it's driving me nuts. Why can't he just take a hint?

The dim illumination that was my lamp shadowed over his face. Our matching blue eyes met, but I quickly turned away. I rolled them up at the ceiling, as he called out my name. I crossed my arms and sat at the end of my bed, pushing aside my blonde hair. I was no longer facing him, but I could hear him step inside, quietly shutting the door behind him.

"Sammy? Honestly, I'm surprised to see you. I was almost positive you would've attempted to sneak out, by now!" He joked, slightly chuckling. I didn't even bother to smile at his failed attempt to make me laugh. He cleared his throat, now aware that that path was going nowhere.

"I know you were looking forward to going to that party, tonight Sammy...but, you know grades always come first. And that report card your mother showed my today, wasn't exactly pleasing." Again, I rolled my eyes, as I scooted a bit further from him.

"A 'D-'? In P.E.?? Oh, come on now, Sammy, you know better than that! You and I both know you can do way better." I bit the inside of my cheek, but remained silent. "You're fifteen. You say you want to do fifteen year old things? You want to drive? Party?? Well, Sammy, those are called privileges. You know what that means? It means it's earned. You want to know how it's earned? By getting good grades, and a 'D-' is definitley not a good grade, now is it?"

I sighed, but uncrossed my arms. He was right, and I knew it. But, that doesn't mean I'll admit to it. I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes.

"No. No, it is not. Happy?" I fained a smile and stood up, pushing my back against the wall. I tilted my head slightly to the left, as a small strand of blonde hair fell into my eyes. I gave no effort to push it back, but instead closed my eyes. I could hear my dad sigh, deeply.

"Sammy, you know what's right. I don't always have to remind you, but a simple reminder every now and then never hurts. Okay?" He nudged my foot with his. I smiled at the dorky gesture, but nodded my head. I opened my eyes and sighed.

"Okay, dad. Now, I'm fine, okay? You honestly don't have to keep checking in on me. I'm not going anywhere." I reassured, although I wasn't exactly so positive, myself. He stood up and smiled down at me. He started for the door, but midway haulted in his steps. He seemed to hesitate, but then he slowly turned around and looked me in the eye.

"Promise?" His voice was low, but serious, almost monotone. His request caught me off gaurd, but I quickly responded with multiple nods.

"Promise, dad." My voice was low and hoarse, but I was more confident with my response, this time. He nodded, and turned back around. He closed the door, tightly behind him and that was the last time he checked in on me. I stretched out onto my bed and reached over to turn out the light.

I didn't go to sleep right away, do to the tedious thoughts that lurked around my brain. I just stared up at the pitch black ceiling, as tedious thoughts raced through my mind. I repeatedly played my promise to my dad in my head, over and over again.

Sure, dad. I promise I won't leave. I'm not going anywhere...


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