Chapter Five: Samantha

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Chapter Five:



I was sitting comfortably in the blue bean bag, that sat in the corner of my boyfriends room. I was playing my music on his little speaker, in the background. He sat across from me on the floor, video game remote in hand. I was sitting there, in the illuminated dim light that was his bed-side lamp.

I had no interest in video games, so I just sort of watched from the side, phone in hand. I scrolled through my instagram feed, as I could hear him curse under his breath, as the screen read 'game over' in bold letters.

Chris (my boyfriend) sighed deeply, then powered off the console. I smiled up at him, as he walked over to my side. He kneeled down, but before he actually sat next me, he brushed my lips with a light butterfly kiss. I closed my eyes and smiled, as he dropped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me in to a side hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and continued to smile.

"Life is good with you, Samantha James," I opened my eyes and looked up at him, still smiling. He's the only person I know who actually calls me by my full name. It's what separates him from the rest of the world. He continued.

"I can't imagine life without my little angel." I leaned in to close the small gap between us with a firm kiss. With this, I didn't have to reply, because a kiss is the only thing that could express the way I feel about him.

Afterwards, we just sat there, cuddling on that little blue bean bag, me pressed into his lap. We began to discuss unnecessary subjects, such as family, that party I missed last Saturday, and music. We were mid-conversation, discussing our favorite bands, when he suddenly sat up straight, 'causing me to sort of slip off his lap. Now some what alarmed, I stood up and frowned at him.

"What's wrong? Are you okay??" His eyes grew large and he placed both hands on my hips. Now he was sort of scaring me.

"S.J. I forgot to tell you! I got us both Vans Warped Tour Tickets!!" Now it was my eyes that grew large. I almost couldn't breath, and I began stuttering, not sure how to reply.

"W-what? How? I mean-well when??" We were both smiling, but a part of me just couldn't believe it.

"Okay, so you know how we've been discussing Fourth of July and how we're going to spend it? Well, I've been saving up and I came across a good price for two general admissions and I just couldn't pass the opportunity, so I bought them!"

My jaw hung low, and I was just completely speechless. After a couple seconds and he realized I wasn't going to reply, he continued.

"I mean, I know Fourth of July isn't until next month, but I mean, it's always good to plan ahead, right?" Surprised and slightly overwhelmed, I couldn't say anything. I mean, of course I was happy, I was just speechless. He tilted his head, sort of worried. My lack of words probably scared him into thinking I didn't want to go, but before I could say anything, he spoke again.

"S.J.? I'm sorry if I scared you, or don't have to go if you don't want to...we can do something else for Fourth of July, if you want..."

"No, no I do! I'm just...speechless," I admitted, pulling him in my arms. "I'm really excited! Um, thank you, Chris," I sort of trailed off, and he noticed.

"S.J.? Is something wrong? You don't sound very excited..."

Again I reassured him.

"No, it's nothing it's just...well, I don't know how I'll convince my parents into letting me go..." He seemed to realize what was going on now, as he shut his eyes and pulled me closer into his arms. We were silent for a good while, until he finally broke the silence.

"I'll talk to your dad...he likes me," He joked, as he pulled away to smile down at me. We both sort of laughed at that joke. We always joked around about Chris and my dad's relationship. See, my dad hated Chris, and if he knew I was over at Chris' house right now, I'd be twice as grounded.

"But, seriously S.J., I'll talk to him, for you." I sort of expected him to start laughing again, but was surprised when he didn't. I stopped smiling.

"Wait, are you serious? Chris, he hates you. He barely allows me to attend the same school as you. What makes you think he'd let me go to a concert with you? Alone?" He just smiled and rested his chin on the top of my head, as he tangled his fingers into mines. The song then changed to Spiders by Night Riots.

"Just let me handle it, angel. Don't you even worry about it." I didn't reply, but just closed my eyes. I hoped he knew what he was talking about...because he didn't know how bad I wanted  this. How bad I wanted to go out and dance to music like I'd never dance again. He didn't know how bad I wanted to do the one thing that I've never gotten the chance to do; live.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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