We Fight In Numbers [Chapter 7]

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I was still sleeping but felt someone touch side. They rubbed their hand over my skin. I woke myself to see what was happening. When I opened my eyes I saw Eli staring at me. "What are you doing?" I whispered trying to make out his facial expression but the room was too dark.

"I wanted to wake you up," he softly said back and kissed me.

I pulled away giggling softly. "Well in that case," I smile and kiss him back. He put his hand on my hip as we kissed. We both laid on our sides. He went from kissing my lips to kissing my neck. He had never did that before. His hand that was on my hip slid up my shirt. I pushed him away and turned on the lamp that was on the nightstand.

"What?" he asked worried.

"What are you doing?" I ask again and sit up.

"Trying to kiss you," he said and leaned toward me kissing me again. I pushed him away.

"Eli I don't mind kissing you but I just want you to know I'm not ready for anything to happen," I say and he stares at me narrowing his eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you just trust me," he said and I laid back down. He leaned over me and shut the light over. He kissed me again and I relaxed this time. He moved away from me for a second and took off his shirt. As he started to kiss me again he tried to take my shirt off of me.

"Stop," I mumble against his lips pushing his hand away from my shirt.

"Emilia don't be afraid," Eli whispered but it didn't feel right. I didn't want to do this right now. I opened my mouth to say something but he put his to mine and then got on me. He hovered but I knew what he wanted.

I pushed him off of me with all my might and stumbled off the bed. I turned on the light and picked up a pillow I hit him with it and then threw it at him.

"Emilia," he said but I ignored it and left the bedroom. Clare and Adam were sleeping the pull out couch far from each other. I decided to crawl onto it and sleep in between them.

* * * *

"Emilia wake up. Is everything okay?" Clare said and I felt her push me. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. When I opened my eyes she was right in my face. "Why are you in here?" she asked giggling.

"Clare," I say and look to my side seeing Adam was still asleep. I put my mouth to her hear and whispered, "Eli wanted to have sex last night." She looked at me shocked and I watched her eyes grow wide. "I stopped him," I say and look away from her just as the bedroom door open and Eli came out.

He locked hi eyes on mine and I forced myself to look away. I didn't know how I could face him right now. I was angered at him. He of all people should understand that I wouldn't want to do anything like that. Clare looked at me and touched my hand.

"Let's get dressed," she said and brought me past Eli to the bedroom. When we came back out funny dressed Eli was sitting on the pullout couch talking to Adam who was now awake.

"Good morning guys," Adam said and I weakly smiled. A knock came from the door and I ran to it opening it. Drew was on the other side smiling.

"Can we make our rooms like how they are suppose to be? All girls, all boys?" I ask him and he loses his smile and looks at me confused.

"We like it," Drew commented and I refused to look back into my room.

"I'll feel more comfortable without sleeping in the same room as Eli and Adam," I say and Drew looks past me and had his eyes set on something.

"Emilia can we please talk," it was Eli. I looked at Drew and then pushed pasted him and went out to the hallway. I noticed that other Degrassi students were in the hallway as well.

Principal Simpson came over to me and smiled. "Sleep good Miss Blackburn?" he asked.

"Yeah just fine," I say softly.

"Well once your partners are ready you can go wherever you want. Just remember to stay safe and out of trouble," he told me then walked away.

I leaned against the wall balling my hands into fists. Today would be awful. I was kind of wishing it was still only Drew and I as partners. I turned my head at the sound of a door opening and watched the seven people rooming with me come out. Drew walked over to me with a worried expression.

"Are you going to be alright?" he asked sounding like he cared.

"Can we just leave?" I say looking away from him.

"Eli has to come with us though," he commented making me look back at him.

"We can ditch him," I say and Drew gave me a look then turned around and looked at Eli who was now walking over to us.

"He's you boyfriend," Drew whispered.

"Then he should have understand I don't like being taken advantage of," I hiss and walk away from him and down the hallway toward the elevators.

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