Chapter 4

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  The day ends, and she's never been happier to be able to go home. She stands up, brushing a (h/c) strand from her face and grabbing her bag. Ichiji follows her out the door and halfway to her house before she turns to him, "Are you following me?"
  "No, I just happen to live in the same direction," he shrugs. "If it would make you feel any better, I'll stay here until you get a block ahead of me."
  She shakes her head, "No, it's fine. It's just that no body has ever lived in the same direction as me, and it's been forever since I've had someone walk behind me on the sidewalk, it just makes me uncomfortable."
  He nods and they start to walk again, he catches up to her and walks beside her. She send him a strange look, "You said it's been a long time since someone has walked behind you... and you're uncomfortable with it, so this should be okay, right?"
  She doesn't say anything and neither does he. They just walk side-by-side in silence until he lets out a sigh, "I'm going to be completely honest with you, (Y/n). I heard some people talking about you today. They told me that you're a complete bitch, but from my conversations with you, you don't seem to be that bad. Also, you didn't get that bruise when you had that panic attack this morning, I caught you before you hit the floor. I figured you didn't want anyone to notice it, and that's why you covered it with foundation. You don't have to tell me how you got it, just tell me, is everything alright?"
She stops as a car turns onto the road that she needs to cross and stares at him. A gust of wind causes her hair to blow around her face, "I'm actually a really clumsy person, I hit my face last night when I was cleaning. Not like it's any of your business. And if I were you, I'd listen to what those people have to say and ask to transfer out of our class because I'm not going to be as friendly as you think I am."
She crosses the street and he stares at her form. He turns to the left and looks towards his house in the distance, she's definitely going to be a challenge. He looks both ways before he starts to stroll down the middle of the road.
  She gets back home and notices a different car in the driveway, well, a car in the driveway, and since they don't own a car, it probably means his 'friends' are over. He's probably in a good mood then, she shouldn't have to worry too much.
"I'm home!" she calls out as she closes the door behind her, kicking off her shoes as her dad gets up from the couch and acts like a good father.
"How was school honey?" he gets a look on his face that he doesn't really want to know, and that if she says anything other than good, he'll murder her while she's sleeping. "What happened to your face? You have a huge bruise on your cheek."
She flinches as he reaches out to touch her face; she swears he gets a kick out of torturing her, "I just fell during gym class, it wasn't anything serious. If you need me, I'll be-"
"Actually, I need your help," he combs his fingers through his thinning hair. "Our house inspector is coming over tomorrow, but I promised my friends that we could go out to the casino tonight. Would you mind cleaning up a bit?"
  She nods right away, even if she needs to clean, she'll do anything to get him out of the house. His lips form into a smile as he turns to his friends and claps his hands, "She said okay! Let's go gamble!"
  She moves out of the doorway as the men go to pile in the car. She closes the door before opening a few windows and getting to work. First, she grabs a trash bag and fills it with all the cans he's been hoarding around the couch. Then she picks up all the paper plates in the kitchen and strewn awkwardly throughout the rest of the house.
She ends the cleaning frenzy by vacuuming the living room floor and taking out all the trash that she's accumulated through the whole ordeal. While she's outside, she feels as if someone is watching her, but it doesn't matter too much and she shakes it off.
  She walks back into the house before she pulls out the homework in the classes she actually attended today. She really should've asked Ichiji to give her those notes he told the nurse he'd let her copy, but because she missed out on half her homework, she at least got done earlier than she would've expected.
Early enough to actually cook something to eat for dinner, which she's happy about until she realizes that there's nothing in the fridge or pantry that she can cook. She lets out a sigh, she couldn't eat at school because she was so nervous about fainting again. A thought crosses her mind that she could go shopping, but she doesn't have any food and she honestly doubts that her father left anything for her to use.
Then she remembers the granola bar that the red-haired man gave her. She was always told to never accept things from strangers, unless it was Halloween but she never really got to go trick-or-treating. That's besides the point, the point is that she's so hungry that she doesn't care where the stupid thing came from and she eats it.
She cleaned everything in the whole house, so she knows that her father didn't leave anything for her, but she has been saving some of her money. It's in her room, tapped under the middle drawer in her desk. She goes in and grabs it, carefully ripping away the tape and counting how much she has.
With roughly twenty dollars in her pocket, she hits the road trying to figure out what she's doing, eating out or try to cook something. She ends up thinking that it's no use trying to cook for her father because he'll be at the casino all night, so she might as well treat herself.
She ends up going to her favorite fast food restaurant, ordering her food, gets her drink, and stands around to wait for her order. The feeling that someone's watching her never left since she's been out, but it's not like it really bothered her. If anything happened, there are tons of witnesses around.
She takes a sip from the straw before she feels someone's hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump and turn around, "I didn't expect to see you here, (Y/n)."
"Ichiji," she lets out a deep breath as her order is called and she grabs the tray. "You scared me."
"Sorry. Oh, say," he smiles and looks around before continuing, "would you like to sit with me? I'm all alone because my brothers got called away to a job and I have this huge booth all to myself."
She casts a glance around trying to find a place that she could sit that isn't close to anybody but she can't find one, "Alright. Wait, you have brothers?"
He nods as he leads her to his booth and takes a seat, "I've got a sister as well, but that doesn't really matter. What about you? Do you have any siblings?"
"No," she brushes a (h/c) strand behind her ear. "I was a mistake as is and their marriage failed because of my birth. I don't know what my mother is doing, so I could possibly have a half-sibling. But I've never met them, so they don't exist until I hear otherwise."
"Really?" he stares at her before he sighs out. "Interesting. So, where's your dad tonight?"
"He went out with his friends to gamble," she takes a bite out of the food she ordered, trying to think of a way to end this conversation. "So he won't be eating with me tonight and we don't have anything in the house."
He nods, but she can tell that he's never had to deal with running out of food, "Hey. Do you still need the notes from class? I should have my backpack in the car."
"You have a car? But you walked to school today?" a smile forms on her lips as she watches him shrug. "What's wrong with you?"
"Hey, did you know you have a really pretty smile?" he smiles at her. "I think that's the first time I've seen you smile today."
"I-I," she immediately stops smiling and mumbles the rest under her breath, "didn't even know I could smile anymore."
"So, do you want the notes, or not?" he watches her as she finishes off her food and he can tell she's thinking.
She nods and looks at him, "I'd love those notes, Ichiji. Thanks."
He stands up before her and holds out his hand to help her up. She takes his hand and he grabs the tray with his other hand, "I've got this."
She goes to object, but he's already gone. He waits by the door for her and she follows him outside. He gets out his keys and unlocks the doors, of course it's a bright red car. He climbs in and close the door, the window rolls down and he sticks his head out.
"What are you waiting for? Get in," he motions her to the other door and she listens. "You don't have your stuff, and I need my notebooks tonight to do my homework, so I'm thinking that we can go to your place and you can copy them then?"
She looks out the window, if her father find out that she brought anyone into the house he'd kill her. If he found out that she even left the house she'd be dead. She lets out a sigh, "That should be fine. My father isn't home, so he won't get upset..."
He was going to offer her to go to his place, but he can't. She'd know his secret, and he can't have that coming out, "Well, then you'll need to tell me where you live."
"Right," she looks over at him as he starts up the car and pulls out of the parking lot. "I can do that."


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