Chapter 7

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Thank you all for being patient with me. Even after I said that I'd update soon, it took me way TOO long to. I'm also sorry for the way it's formatted this time... I'm using my laptop to type, and it automatically double spaces paragraphs, also sorry that the part decided to publish itself before I was done writing it. Forgive me, other than that, I hope you enjoyed the long awaited Chapter 7!

Kitty is bye bye!


He sits down next to her, the action causing her to open her eyes and sit up, "What made you think of doing that?"

"You're making me think," he looks over to her, a small smile on his lips. This time, she can actually feel an emotion from this facial expression; simple happiness. "It's strange. You're making me think I might actually be human."

She furrows her eyebrows, that statement strikes her as strange, then again, she hasn't been questioning it, but his personality flops around a lot. She decides to ignore it, he has his reasons. Everyone copes with something differently, and he has something to cope with. She'll let him. If he doesn't push her to be someone she's not, she'll respect him the same.

"Do you want to come somewhere with me?" he stands up and holds out his hand for her to take, she debates. The longer she keeps her father waiting, the more angry he'll get. On the other hand, it's her life, and she hasn't been living it to the fullest lately. So, she reaches out and takes his hand.

His hand is cold, but that could be because he's drenched in rain, "But we're wet..."

"That's alright, we'll stop by the mall and get some clothes to change into," he walks towards his car and motions for her to do the same. Once they're both in and have their seatbelts buckled, he turns to her, "How much do you typically spend? I need to know so I can pull it out of the bank."

"I don't... know I don't shop at the mall," she scratches the back of her neck before she stares out the window. They don't speak for a while. The only noise in the car is that of the tires on the road, the rain hitting the car and the windshield wipers smacking away the drops of water out of the driver's view.

"Wait here a second," Ichiji gets out of the car and runs into the bank. He comes back, and hands her a wad of cash, "I got five hundred. That should be enough, right?"

"This much? How rich are you?" she looks at the stack as he pulls out of the parking space and shrugs. "Don't just shrug off five hundred dollars! That's a lot of-"

"My dad's kind of a rich scientist, plus I have a lot saved up from all the odd jobs I've done growing up," he pinches the bridge of his nose before he continues. "You need it more than I do. I'll count it as my charity donation for the year."

She reaches over and playfully punches his shoulder, "You're a jerk. Calling me out for being poor like that... but... thanks. I'll be sure to give you back what I don't sp-"

"Keep it," he shakes his head, he wouldn't know what he'd do if he were in her shoes. "Use it to buy yourself some groceries or something."

"I'll pay you back," she take it and places it into her pocket. "I promise. No matter how long it takes... when I get my first job, I'll pay you back. I don't like being in-"

"Think of it as a present. Christmas and your birthday. I don't need any money back," he looks at her out of the corner of his eyes. "My payment is seeing you happy in clothes that don't look like they've been out of style for as long as I've lived."

"Hurtful... but I see your point," she looks out the window again, a small smile rests on her face. "Thanks again..."

"You need to stop thanking me," he says, parking his car and turning to look at her, "Ready to make a run for it?"

She looks out the window, then she turns to him, "This isn't the mall."

"We've got to get umbrellas, or the reason we got new clothes is going to be nothing," he puts his hand on the door, "So, are you ready or not?"

"Yeah," she follows his lead and as soon as she hears his door open, she does the same.

Before she knows it, they're out of the car and running towards the store. She feels his hand slip into hers, but she doesn't really care. Instead, she wraps her fingers around his hand as well. They stand in the doorway for a few seconds trying to collect themselves and catch their breath. Ichiji stands up straight first, not long after, (Y/n) mimics him.

He pulls on her hand to lead her to the wallets and purse section, which causes her to wonder only when they pass the umbrella's, "Uhm Ichiji we passed-"

"I know, but you need something to keep the money safe, your pocket isn't going to cut it," he lets go of her hand once they stop in front of the wallets. "Pick out your favorite. Also, choose your favorite purse. I'll go get us some drinks."

He leaves her alone, and she just stands there looking at all the different types of wallets, she finds one that she can fit inside her backpack so she doesn't have to leave it at home and let her father find. Then she goes to the purse section, choosing a small black one that goes around her shoulder, because black essentially goes with anything. And she still needs to pick out her outfit.

He comes back, two sodas in his hand, both the same kind, and lifts them up, "Hope you like (f/s)."

"Like it? It's my favorite kind! We'll it's been a while since I've had soda, but I'm sure my preferences didn't change much," she gives him a closed eye smile, before grabbing his wrist and taking him back to the umbrella rack. "Let's get these and hit the road. I'm ready to change out of these wet clothes!"

He nods, grabbing the only red one left, looking at her as she agonizes over which one to get, being weary of the price. He doesn't give her much time to debate though, because he just reaches out and grabs the one with her favorite pattern on it and walks away. She looks at him, but when he doesn't stop and starts to go through the line, she runs after him.

After they check out, they get the tags off everything and exit the store. They open their umbrellas and walk in silence to the car, after getting in she turns to him, "Th-"

"Remember what I said? No more 'thank you's," he hands her, her drink, opening his and taking a sip before he pulls out of the parking lot once more, "Onto the mall."


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