Chapter Twenty Seven

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Time To Get Ready

I thought for a moment on the bed in my room, I was terribly worried about tonight. What if everything went terrible what if something happened that I lost both the boys that I care about. I didn't want Damian to hate me, but I didn't know if I keep up this relationship.

I hate how are I was second-guessing everything. Everything we did together I always had to stop and think about where the consequences worth it. Yes? no? I guess in the end of the always was that's why I did it and didn't care.

I guess I should follow my heart and not let my brain think about things sometimes. Because I knew that there was no doubt did I love to Damian and I always wanted to be with him.

Who cares if I might not be able to marry him? Who cares about any of that? The people that would judge just don't know anything about us. They don't know how our hearts feel for each other. They don't know how passionate we are in bed.

Well I'm lost in thought Damian comes and, just that you looked handsome would have been an understatement. He look like Prince no, I instantly got the thought that maybe I was a little underdressed. But before I could even say anything like that Damien walked over to me and kissed me.

"You look absolutely stunning." He said softly his hands wrapping around my waist as he pulled me up into a hug. He pulled away for a minute and just stared deeply into my eyes. I had to look away it because it made me a little uncomfortable. "What are you staring at?" I asked shyly unable to handle his gaze. "I didn't ever think you'd be able to talk how gorgeous you already are but this.....this is pretty darn close to what I imagine an Angel to look like."

Entirely embarrassed I shove his face with my hands and look at the ground. He just laughed, but to tease me he just held on because he knew he was stronger than me. "You're such a bully."

I say pouting little, he just smirked and licked his teeth a bit. "What's worse is that you love that about me." "Oh you shut up!" and I were just finishing getting ready

Damien and I we're just about to wrap up getting ready, when we heard a knock on the door. Damien was too busy trying to get tipsy before the party because he thought that would be the best thing to do for some reason. So I had to go get it. When I open the door I found Jay standing there. He looked rather handsome he had a wolf mask on.

Course I wasn't surprised he always wore that mask even when we were kids. That's why I instantly recognized me even though he was wearing it. I pulled the mask that I had on top of my head over my face. "Hello Jay." "Hello my princess." Jay said softly kissing the back of my hand before he leaned in for a kiss.

I didn't know if I was very comfortable with doing that with you in the other room. But I didn't exactly move away because I didn't want to miss things that I was rejecting him. And he kissed my cheek thankfully it was sweet.

Jay was always so sweet, I mean Damian was a lot different he was really sweet sometimes but sometimes he could be little more concerned with lust.

I could hear footsteps behind me so I pulled away a little from Jay. Damian walked up behind me and subtly put his hand on my back squeezing my ass.

Making sure that Jay didn't see it at all. But he squeezed so hard enough that I let out of small squeak. I'm gonna kill him. So I have to brush it off as I was just coughing I blush a little and glare back at Damien, when I did and made eye contact I was met with the sly smirk. Jay hadn't forget that Damian was present, and he gave he a bro hug.

Jay remember the other night so did Damien.

They were pretty good friends now, well when Jay was trying to be affectionate towards me. Jay grabbed my hand and led me out to his truck we were all going to ride together because we didn't see the point and wasting any gas money.

Me and Jay held hands while he drove and Damien subtly put his hand on my thigh rubbing a little. I guess you could say up until this point I was usually only being affectionate to one or together but right now, tonight. Tonight I would have to love two men at one time and I didn't know how long it was going to go. Even right now I was conflicted about aw, who I should pay more attention to. I technically was going to the dance with Jay. But technically I was dating Damian, and shouldn't be to friendly with another guy.

The sad part was that this was all Damian's idea, me staying with Jay because then no one would suspect anything between me and Damian. But now it was like he was telling me scratch that I just want you all to myself.

But the thing about that was I already told Jay how I felt about him, and I couldn't take it back now and I was worried that if I did break things off with him suddenly. That he wouldn't want to be friends anymore. And we had been friends since we were kids.

The car ride was fairly long, I mean it wasn't like the town was near us but it wasn't too far. It was just that the building where fairly long, I mean it wasn't like the town was near us but it wasn't too far. It was just that the building where the ball was being held was a ways out of the town anyways in the opposite direction.

I didn't me too, but it wasn't like he could get really mad at me. It wasn't like it was my fault I was dozing off and I leaned over on Jay not on Damian.

It was already pretty late at night by now. And I had woken up earlier than Damian did. It was when he got like this that was really annoying he got mad at me because of this. It's always the little thing that make him mad. And you can talk to me when we first got to the ball.

But that's when everything kind of went South.

I know that all of you guys going are going to be like: "Oh my God finally!!!!" But I'm so sorry I was finishing up high school I got a part-time job, and I just had too much on my plate to be writing like at all. So I don't know exactly how often I'm going to be able to publish these but maybe I'll have more time now that I'm out of school. Thanks for all your support in the reads I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the story. I know that I'm definitely going to continue this when i can. So love you guys. (●´∀`●)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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