Marvel OC

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Name: Dakota Cundiff
Age: (Depends on the role play )
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: Look down.
Hero Name: Iron Warrior
Crush: open

Powers: enhanced senses and strength, enhanced agility. He also has a strange ability, he can control energy and cause small shockwaves with his punches. He gained this ability after an experiment gone wrong involving a chitauri power core after the battle of New York. When he does this, his hands and eyes glow bright blue. He usually tries to avoid using this ability unless he has no choice.

Likes: Reading, watching movies with everyone, spending time with family and friends, playing board games with Bruce, racing against Pietro, Sam and Rhodey, combat and learning Russian with Natasha, archery with Clint, helping Tony and Bruce in the lab, hanging out with Shuri and Peter, pranking most of the team except the girls because he isn't that stupid, making fun of Steve, Bucky, Thor, and Loki when they can't understand something of modern earth, fighting crime with Peter, coffee, chocolate, and dogs.

Dislikes: Hydra, Thanos, hurting people, any kind of criminals, especially rapists and killers, listening to politics on the weekends, not being able to go on missions, tests.

Fears and or things that creep him out: losing everyone he loves, and centipedes, nothing should have that many legs.

Positive traits: Sweet, caring, gentle, intelligent, strong, brave, prankster, loves fighting bad guys, tech genius, always ready to help someone in need, usually willing to compromise, problem solver.

Bad/ slightly negative traits: Has a smart mouth that gets him in trouble, can get a little cocky, stubborn, annoying, loves causing trouble, or trouble usually finds him, can be quite a smartass sometimes. Doesn't really think about his well being whenever in battle or sometimes in general. He lets his emotions get the better of him in situations where that could be dangerous.

Personality: Sweet, caring, gentle, intelligent, stubborn, annoying, smartass sometimes, strong, brave, loves causing trouble, or trouble usually finds him, prankster, loves fighting, is a little cocky, tech genius, has a smart mouth that gets him in trouble.

Flaws: Not willing to let something go so easily. He won't hesitate to fight if threatened.


As a child, Dakota always had a way with technology. He and his brother also had a knack for trouble, always getting into messy situations. When they were 8, Dakota, his twin brother, their older brother and dad were in a serious car accident that left his twin brother James dead.As a child, Dakota always had a way with technology. He and his brother also had a knack for trouble, always getting into messy situations. When they were 8, Dakota, his twin brother, their older brother and dad were in a serious car accident that left his twin brother James dead. It took time to move on, but he eventually did.

When he was around 12, his dad and older brother began investigating a murder case, which eventually got leaked to Hydra. In order to keep their secrets safe, Hydra dispatched an assassin to silence them. Dakota found them both dead when he got home from school. He never truly got over it.

When he was about 14, he took an interest in hacking, coding, stuff like that. He began trying to find anything about who had his dad and brother killed. He eventually learned of Hydra, he then decided to continue his search.

When he was about 17, his hacking and searching landed him on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar. When he turned 18, Fury had him brought in. Dakota wasn't exactly cooperative, knocking several teeth out of an agent's mouth. Fury saw his potential and asked him to join. Dakota agreed and he got training from Clint Barton in combat.

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