What Happens Next

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When I woke up, I immediately felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and someone had it in their hands and was compressing it. I wanted to lie in bed, fall asleep and never wake up again. But instead I got up and got ready for school. I was going to talk to Madison today. Confront her about how things aren't working out and we should break up. I was so madly in love with Elizabeth. How was I meant to live without her?
I walk into the school and go to my locker. I text Madison to meet me in the Library. She quickly texts back that she'll be there in a couple of minutes. I sit down at one of the rounded tables and think about how I'm meant to tell her. Madison walked through the doors swiftly.
"What did you want to talk about?" She asked, her head tilting slightly, she reminded me of a puppy.
"I can't do this anymore. I'm in love with Elizabeth and it's not fair to you if I stay with you when I don't love you. I will never be able to make you happy." She looked like she was going to burst out into tears. I felt the same, a constant heaviness weighing down my heart.
"Okay, thank you for being honest with me." She sounded disappointed.
The day seemed to drag by. Teachers randomly talking about how horrible it was that such a tragedy occurred. But Elizabeth was more than a tragedy; she was a person. Each time she was mentioned my heart sunk a little bit more. I felt like a passenger on the Titanic, drowning, suffocating, as my ship went down. I started thinking about how it was my fault. If I would have just listened to Elizabeth when she came to my house, maybe she wouldn't be dead. By the end of the day I was so worn out. I drove home in silence, no music playing.
As I pulled into the driveway, in my cherry-red Ford Focus, I realized that where I parked was where Elizabeth parked the night before. I grab the car door handle and pull at it while pushing the door in order to open it. I step out of my car and look at my front door. It seemed so far away. I didn't have the energy to walk over and open it. Slowly I put my right foot forward, then my left, right, left. I made it up to my door. I look down to my keys and slightly fumbled with them trying to find the right one. Once I found it I opened the door and stepped through. The second I stepped in I saw the picture of Elizabeth and I from when we were sophomores. We were posed so that I was behind her, my arms wrapped around her waist. We were both smiling wide, her long raven colored hair was blowing into my face. Heart throbbing and stomach dropping, my nose started burning provoking tears to well up in my eyes. This is too much, I can't live without her. Slowly stalking up the stairs to the bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror. I swing open the cabinet above to sink and see a variety of pills. Many different pain killers, perhaps they could take away my pain. Grabbing a couple random bottles and slowly opening them, push down, twist, push down twist. They spill out everywhere, rolling around the large surface area. I fill up a glass of water and place it next to the pills. I pick up five of the capsules and place them in my mouth, raising the glass of water tilting it back, swallow. I pick up another six capsule, raise the glass, swallow. Another five are picked up and consumed. I keep taking the pills until they're all gone. I try to walk over to my bed but stumble a bit. A dizzy nauseous feeling engulfing me. I fall onto my bed and feel so fatigued. Once my eyes shut my body starts to tremble. The pain in my abdominal region is severe. My stomach screaming in agony, burning. A feeling only to be described as if someone were stabbing me with a searing hot knife. Darkness engulfs my whole being.
Many hours later Tyler's mother arrives home and searches for Tyler. She walks into the bathroom and sees many empty pill bottles. She starts to convulse, her son wouldn't ever commit suicide. She walks over to his room and sees him lying there, blue face, with foam at his mouth. Briskly she went and called Emergency Services.
"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked calmly.
"My son," she cried, "I came home and found a lot of empty pill bottles on the counter, and when I went to his room he was lying there not moving with foam at his mouth."
"Alright ma'am where are you?" They inquired. Tyler's mother recited them the address. "We'll have someone there as soon as we can." They then hung up. Tyler's mother then called his father. The phone rang and her husband picked up.
"What's wrong?" He questioned.
"I found Tyler unconscious with empty bottles of pills in the bathroom."
"I'm coming home now." Tyler's mother heard sirens outside of the house and she went to open the door. The medics rushed through the doors and followed Tyler's mother upstairs to his bedroom. They all walked over to him with no panic, as if they had witnessed this many times before, lifted the covers and peeked at his neck. One of the medics raised their hand and place it to the right of his Adam's apple, searching for a pulse.
"It's not there, his pulse, and he's not breathing. It is too late to do anything, we're sorry." They lift their hand which held a walkie talkie and spoke into it, "We're going to need a gurney at the end of the hall on the second floor. Silently, everyone waited for it to be brought upstairs. Tyler's body was lifted and placed gently onto the gurney as if they were afraid to wake him. They carried him down the stairs and placed him into the ambulance. As the ambulance drove away, Tyler's mother could be seen, on the ground, sobbing. A car pulled up to the curb, a man steps out of the car to embrace the woman.

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