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Apartment of Sophia Martinez (My ex)
Room 201

Sophia opened the door, then slammed it in my face. "Sophia I'm here because of work. We need to talk to you about Cassandra," she opened the door. I walked in the room looks just the same, "who's this another one of your whores. You womanizing piece of shit, oh my gosh I wanna kill....." I smiled at her, "What the hell are you smiling at?" She quirked her brow at me, "just the fact you're still so pretty when you're upset." I smiled at her and took a seat on the couch patting the spot beside me for my partner. She mumbled something in Spanish."What do you want to know about Cassandra are you going to try and break her heart too? I'm not gonna....." I stopped Sophia, "firstly that's your best friend, secondly I told you already I'm not, a big fan of gingers....." She cut me off, "could you get to the damn point?" Parks finally got to the real reason we were there, "Ms. Martinez, we found a woman dead and it seems to be your friend Lauren Matt. We would like it if you come with us to identify the body, and answer a few questions." She looked frightened, "that can't be Lauren left for Miami with her boyfriend an hour ago, how's that possible?" Me and my partner looked at each other confused. "Sophia could you just come and make sure its not her?" She shook her head, obviously still confused by the situation, "I'm just gonna change first."

Dr. Rowan's lab
"You ready?" I asked Sophia as she looked at the blue sheets over the body. She just shook her head and Dr. Rowan took the cover off the body, she examined the body for almost a minute. She looked at me with with relief in her eyes, "its not Lauren its her little sister Cassandra." I looked at Parks, she nodded and left the lab. She went to tell everyone that we're now looking for information on Cassandra Matt and not Lauren Matt. I gave Sophia a hug, "I'm sorry for breaking your heart." I told her as I walked her out of the lab, "its okay you just lack any type of emotions. You're emotionally detached." I held my chest mocking hurt, "I'm not emotionally detached I just knew I wouldn't always be there for you when you needed me so I chose to let you go. I didn't want that when I had the chance to see you more than 2 hours a day, you'd be spending it arguing." She scoffed, "so the failure of our relationship is my fault?" I shook my head, "exactly." I grinned at her only to receive a slap from her. "Fuck you Sya," she then stormed out. "Wow you truly have a way with women," I gave parks a bored look. "Could we get to work?" She smiled, "we need Sophia." I looked at her with an 'are you kidding me' look. She shook her heads, "nope." She popped the 'p', "well you go get her because I am not going near her right now."

Interview room
"I am not really that close with her but the last time I saw her was last week. She came to visit Lauren, but Lauren believed she wanted money and indeed she did. Lauren told her she would take care of her, but she wanted money. We didn't see her for a whole week, when she came back she was a different person. She had designer everything, she said she found a guy that loves her and all that crap. She came to Lauren last week telling her he hit her....omygosh!! He killed her!!" We looked at Sophia waiting for her to tell us how, "she found drugs shiploads of drugs. She found out her was selling drugs, he caught her beat her and told her she weren't suppose to be touching his things...... He's gonna come after me and Lauren, he'll kill me help me Sya please." She cried, "Ms. Martinez do you by any chance know his name?" She shook her head, tears falling down her face. "Alessandro Rodriguez," I looked up at the sound of that name. "Alessandro Rodriguez are you sure that's his name?" She shook her head yes.

Captain Andrew's office
"Captain guess who's name came up in another murder, and there's drugs involved." He looked at me, "I'm sorry detective but I can't allow you to question him. The CIA are already trying to catch him, we can't ruin their investigation."

"Their ruining my investigation."

"Doesn't make a difference to them, he can't know that they're unto to him."

"I'm not going to ask him about the drugs, my case is murder. I just wanna ask about his dead girlfriend."

"If you get him here you only ask him about his girlfriend, am I clear?"

"Crystal," I smiled and skipped out of the office.

"Hey, I thought you went home already." She gave me a sad smile, "I don't want to go home alone. I know Cass told him that we knew about the drugs, he's gonna try to kill me." I thought about what she was saying, "I could get them to put you into a witness protection." She looked at me annoyed, "you know I don't like that its not 100% safe. And I only trust you with my life," I smirked at her. "You wanna stay with an emotionally detached, womanizing asshole." She giggled, "you might be all of that, but you are amazing at your job." I pretended to think, "continue the more compliments the safer you are." She whispered in my ear, "well your kisses leave me mesmerized, your hands work wonders and no one fucks me like you do. How safe am I now?" I smirked, "Superman's got nothing on me," I quoted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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