Can't wait.

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*Andrew's POV*

    All I remember is my dad yelling about Alex stealing food, and me trying to convince him that it was me then he hits me. Then nothing. Now I am in Alex's room. She has bruises all over her. There was purple and black about 1 foot long on her side, chest abd back. Her arm and back were bleeding. I had some on me because I was and still holding crying, and hoping she would be okay. She was also bleeding from her lady part. I know what that means. Our dad did "it" to her. She had no clothes on but I was hugging her tight, and crying. I squeezed her hand and whispered." Please Alex I can't lose you. Please." I was still crying when I felt her stirring. I wipped my eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were fluttering open. She was starring and me with those beautiful brown eyes. She coughed and tried to sit up and almost screamed in pain. She was crying. "Shhh, everything will be alright." I knew it was a lie but I so badly wanted to believe it, and it to be true. I knew she knows what I was thinking. Then she puts her hand on my temple and we don't break our stare. The I feel a jolt. I huts for a second but goes away. Then I see it all.

  *Alex's POV*

     I wake up and remember it all. I look up and Andrew was holding me I knew he was crying. I stared into his Caribbean ocean blue eyes. I tried to sit up and almost screamed in pain. I then start crying. All I could think about was when my dad made me suck his dick and then shoved in a place I didn't want it to go."Shh, everything will be alright." I heard Andrew say. But he wanted to believe it was true so bad she knew. Then I want him to see it all. The pain, sorrow, and my love for him. I put my hand to his temple. We don't break our gaze. I have never done this before and I feel a jolt go through my body. Now Andrew can see it all. He could see Abigail and what she did to me, our mom and her death, what our did yesterday and for 4 years, and the dream with him I had, of me being scared and lastly of me loving him not as a brother but something more. We were still looking into each others eyes and Andrew had slow tears running down his face and noticed I had tears to. I heard a ring that broke our gaze. Oh man school. I look and there was blood and bruises on me. I was purple, black, red, yellowish and green. It hurt so bad. Then I notice I still had no clothes on. There was something on my breast like something had dried and the remembered it was cum. I needed a bath I closed my eyes our dad was gone... Probably to buy liquor. I could barely brath it still hurt so bad."Andrew. He isn't here. We need to go to school and I have to get clothes and take a bath. And...." he cut me off "I got it." He got up and got sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt. He put warm water in the bath tub and brought a towel and my clothes into the bathroom. I tried to get out of bed and to the bathroom but fell because it hurt to much to walk. Andrew came in and carried me to the bathroom and into the bath tub it felt good."You should get in too or we will be late to the bus stop." "Ok." He said. He undressed and got in. He helped me wash and we got out. "Andrew, I love you so much." "Alex I love you too." We weren't even dress. We were naked when we hugged and he kissed me. He helped me dress and we got on the bus.


    *Andrew's POV*

  All I can think about was wanting to hurt our dad because he did to my girl. "Alex. You are mine." I said. She smiled. "Yes I am." I wanted her to be my girlfriend. Maybe even marry her. Yeah she was beautifully gorgeous. But her personality, and her strength. She is so special to me. Today is the day. I will go to the police. I won't tell Alex in case it back fires but I am so excited and can't wait for us to be free!

     "Bye Alex. Love you" I say to her. "Bye Andrew. Love you too." She said back to me. I walked down the hall and kept glancing back to make sure Alex wasn't watching. Once I saw her go into the class room I ran out the door on my hall. I walked out of the school area with my back pack which contains the evidence. Its hot in Arizona. I am already sweating and it is about a 30-60 minute walk. I turn down Arlsburg road and see the Arlsburg park. Then the memories come flooding in. When me and Alex were little from 4-11we came to that park all the time. The last time we went she just turned 11 and I was 11 and my birthday was the next month. It was like it was yesterday. "Happy Birthday, Alex!" she had a huge grin on her face. Even then she was beautiful. Her beautifully bright brown eyes were staring at the cake. She then opens her present from mom. She got earrings and a necklace. Also $20. Then  she opened my present. It was a gold heart locket necklace with two vines intertwined. They also had flowers on them. She opened it and it me and her in it. She looks up. "Its beautiful! Thanks! " she says."Read the back...Aloud. " "Ok. Our lives will be intertwined forever! " She started crying. I went and hugged her. She kissed me on the cheek. "Can we go to the park now?"
       We were at the park playing tag. "Hey you want to play house in the turtle house?!?"  "Yeah, anything for you." We walked to the turtle house. I sat and she pretended to cook dinner. She was my fake wife. "Hey honey dinner is ready!" She yell but not really. We ate and 'talked about work'. "Hey lets go to bed ok?" We went to our room. We layed down next to each other. She rolled on her side. "I love you." "I love you too." We both laughed. Next thing we know she is on top of me. "Well since we are married we should ...kiss right?" She asked me. I smiled. "Yeah." Then she kisses me on the lips. They were so soft. Thats when I knew I liked her more than a sister.
     I am almost there. It is about 12:30... That took forever. I walk in. Its not that scary as I thought it would be. I go to the front desk and a man who was officer McCray.  "Yes kid what do you need?" "I want to talk to a police or someone in private." "Ok. Its pretty packed.  You'll have to wait a while. " "Ok thanks." I go and sit next to a man with a bloody lip and bruises on his face. He turns to me and smiles. He looks and smells drunk. He barely had any teeth. I flashed him a small smile and started rummaging through my bag. I was here till 12:50 and finally got called back. "Hello I'm officer John. What can I do for you son?"

    "Well I want to report a....umm sexual abuse along with child abuse."

    "Oh. Ok do you know them?"

  "Acually it is me and my sister."

"How old are you and your sister?

"I am 17 and she is 16."

  "Do you have any type of evidence?"

"Yes. I have been taking pictures and video taping stuff. Also have some planted around the house still on." I showed him the evidence it took about an hour. He said that they were going to the house to check it out after the finish looking at the videos. They were also going to bring social services just in case."Bye thanks." "Bye we will be there as soon as possible." With that I left. It was 1:15 so I will be there some where around 2:00.

*Alex POV*
Where was Andrew? I can't stop thinking about Andrew not being at lunch. Where coukd he have been? Well I'll talk to him on,the bus. *RING! RING!* Finally the bell has rung. I get up rush out of the room. Normally Andrew would meet me at the intersection of the hall. Please let Andrew be ok. Is all I can think. I get on the bus and see him sitting in our regular seat. The worry left me. I was so relieved.

   *Andrew's POV*

  I made it as people were coming out into the bus lot. No one saw me so I merged with the crowd and made it on the bus before Alex got on. Then it hits me. Sge must be worried. I wasn't at,lunch or to meet her at the end of the day. I need a story... I could just say I didn't feel good. That would probably work. I am watching to see when Alex gets on and then I see her get on the bus. She has a worried look on her face. But when she look over at me she has a relieved look. She comes over and I smiled. She doesn't look to happy. "Hey. Sorry I...."

  "Where were you? I was worried! You didn't even come to lunch.“

  "Well I didn't feel to well. Went to the nurse and got water and I felt better. Then around the end of the day didn't feel well again, went back to the nurse and stayed there till the end of the day." I explained.

  "Ok thank goodness. I thought something happened. I don't even know what."

"Yeah, but I feel alot better." I said. The rest of the ride was quiet. Except for the other other people on the bus.

   We were walking home when Alex stopped me." I know your lying. Obviously." That when I remember. She can read minds. Bla bla bla she a telepath. "oh yeah. I forgot." I said. That was the end of our conversation. Till we get home anf go straight to our rooms.

  *Officer Johns POV* (Really short)

      "Ok. Ms.Wilson do you have the paper work?" We went through the evidence and confirmed that we were going to the house and arrest Mr. Johnson, and question him. The social services are going to take Alex and Andrew untill everything is situated."Is everyone set?" "Yeah." They say in unison. I brought 2 other officers and there are 3 social services. "Ok. Lets get a move on we don't want anything bad to happen." We got in our cars but decided not to turn on our siren at the request of Andrew. So Mr. Johnson doesn't suspect anything. We pull out the lot and are on our way.



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