How Can I End It??: Chapter 8

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Nahomi's POV

How can I stop this feeling??What's this feeling tho??  How am I supposed to end it???

" Nahomi Why did he ask if we are dating??" Brandon asks

"What??" I ask

"What's wrong with u? You have been kinda lost ever since he came" Brandon says

"Sorry....I've been processing everything that happened today" I say

"Oh no wonder" Brandon says

"Hey!!! Guys I made dinner!!" Logan yells 

"Wait Logan made dinner??" I ask

"That's so odd he doesn't even know how to cook" Brandon says

"Let's go tho I'm starving" I say

I put on my shoes and get out of bed then head down stairs

"What u make??" I ask and notice Logan is vlogging

"Pizzzzaaaaa!!" Logan yells

*He gets a pizza out of the oven*

That pizza is to perfect for it to be made by Logan

"Give me a piece" I say suspiciously 

"I want some too" Edward says

"Here" Logan says  handing us each a piece

I take a bite

"Umm....Pizza Romana you bought it there right?" I ask

"Yet its from there" Edward says

"How u guys know ur not from here?" Logan says upset

"First clue was u cooking, Second that smile on ur face, Third how perfect the pizza looks, Fourth this is to tasty to be made by u" I say

"And Also we ordered pizza from there the other day" Edward says

"True" I reply

"Damm it "Logan says

"So he didn't cook at all right" Brandon says

"Nope" Both Edward and I say

 "Good" He replies

"Guys im gonna finish decorating my room alright?" I ask 

"Yeah but I'll help u" Edward says

"Ye im leaving so see ya guys Brandon Lets 'go!!" Logan yells and they both leave with Evan behind them

Time Skip To Night

"Yayyyy we are finally done!!" I yell happy 

"Ikr I'm so tired......*yawns* Btw tomorrow we'll do my room tomorrow" Edward says

"Alright but lets go to sleep" I say

"See ya In the morning" Edward says 

"Yeah GN!!" I say

Well my room  looks better looks more my style I mean like look

it looks more my style I mean like look

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