I love you: Chapter 9

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Daniel's POV

So they loved each other or love each other *sighs* yeah I completely lost her 

"Dani why so serious? Come on lets go.. Show me around school plz!" Annie says

"Sorry Annie but I have something to do see ya after school is that alright?" I ask

"Okay but at least show me where  the Main Office is at" Annie says

"Okay follow me" I say and take her to the office 

Nahomi's POV

I turn around to see if Daniel was still there but he isn't

Guess he left with his girlfriend *sighs* why am I so upset over him having a girlfriend?

"Nahomi!! Hello??" Isis says waving her hand in front of my face

"Umm..." I respond

"You okay does ur head hurt yeah know from yesterday?" Isis asks

"Yes I'm ok" I say

"What happened yesterday?" Kevin asks

"Nothing important" I say

"What do you mean by nothing important?! Bitch you had a car accident!" Ana yells

"Wait What?! Car accident?How come you didn't tell me?" Kevin says

Kevin grabs my head and checks if i'm okay and hugs me tight

"One I didn't say anything cuz I dont want you to overreact like Jake, Logan, Brandon, and Everyone. Second cuz nothing happened to me not even a scratch" I answer pushing him away

"Either way how about we got in to class?" Nico suggests

"Great idea!" Isis says sarcastically 

Time Skip

We are currently in period 5 which is P.E. and ever since block one Daniel has been staring at me its weird like he has a girlfriend. Besides why is he staring at such an ugly person like me he should stare at his gorgeous girlfriend. 

Wait is he coming up to me! Why the fuck is he walking my way?

*Daniel walks pass her and grabs the basketball* 

Nevermind i'm so embarrassed good thing no one hears what I think

"Nahomi, let's go to period 6 together I need to tell you something" Daniel says out of nowhere

"O-okay...... What about?" I ask

"Something not really important" Daniel says

"Alright" I say and Smile

 Daniel's POV 

Fuck why do I love your smile so much! You are fucking gorgeous and we are so simlar but so different at the same time. The thing is that I love you Nahomi Paul! And Only you but I cant be with you  


Sorry for short chapter school is stopping me from updating im really sorry but my homework and stuff like that its annoying. Then my new teachers leave alot of homework and on the weekends i spend it wit the family so yeah sorry guys! Love you all! Hopefully you are doing ok. Well gotta go! Bye Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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