You are Perfect Porcelain Lover Dearest (A Josh Ramsay Love Story)

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I grabbed my phone and jumped out the window. I didn't want to deal with this crap anymore. Why do my folks hate me for being emo? What'd I do to them? So what if I have a lip piercing and wear black? I already have black hair, I like how it saves on hair dye. I put my ear phones in and played By Now by Marianas Trench, my bestfriend's band I love Josh, but I hate that he's gone all the time on tours. We're so close he knows exactly how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking all the time, it's kinda freaky sometimes though. Our talk is small I'm seven inches tall and you can keep the apartment... I sing along to the beautiful words until I hear I knoooowww I never make this easy... it was Josh with his "twin telepathy" again I pull my jacket over my new cuts and bruises and answer. "Raven?" "Yeah, hey Josh"  I tried my best to be cheerful, but he saw through it. "Raven whats wrong?" "I'm fine" again failing to sound fine. "Please tell me..." "It's my parents again they're just taking their anger out on me again...."  "Want to come over and spend the night?" "Yeah, let me just go back and get some clothes."  "OK I'll be making snacks" "Hehe, you and your junk food Ramsay." "Oh hush, I'll see you in a few."  "OK, and thanks again."  "No problem" I put my head phones back in and decided to listen to Shake Tramp to try and pep me up Singing along to the lyrics, I open up my window and climb in. I'm thankfull I only have one more year of this, and that Josh has his own place, he is 21 after all. Yeah we have a bit of an age difference but I'm almost 18, 3 years isn't that much.  After gathering all my stuff I climb back out the window and head for Josh's, which is only a 4 minute walk from my house. I walk in and call his name "Oh Joooosssshhhhiiiieeee I'm hoooommmeee!!!!"  "I'm in here!!" Of course I hear his reply from the living room over the sounds of a video game, which of course is Halo. I see Matt next to him with his "game face" on. I look behind me and I see Mike's Mohawk hovering over the fridge door, which is quickly shut with disappointment. I look over to the hallway in front of me and see a curly fro coming towards me. "The gangs all hear I see"  I love Matt, he's always been here, but Ian and Mike are new. Believe it or not Josh found Ian in an add in the paper, and Mike was his roommate. I make sure my jacket is on good before I sit down, Josh hates that I cut and get hit by my parents, so I make sure I cover everything. I plop down and watch the tv screen. Mike come bariling into the living room and lands on me. I make a quiet squeak, but thankfully no one notices. "Get off me ya big lug!"  the punk rock looking bass player rolls over onto the floor with a thud. "You're so weird!" "Guilty as charged my dear Raven" I spread out on the couch, I didn't take up much since I'm a short 5'2. Ian walks over and sits by me. He doesn't talk much, but he's really funny when he does. Just then Josh flails into the floor screaming, with Matt laughing in victory. I could barely hear Ian say "And what we are wittnessing is Jousha pouting cause... he got served." I was very suprised "That's the most modern day slang I've ever heard you use, Ian" He just laughed and started playing with his black berry. I'm the only one with out a black berry in the group, I have an android. Josh then gets up and pouts to me "Raven he's mean" I sit up and hug him and say "It's just a game Joshie" He just lays on my lap and sulks. He can be quite silly at times. I then push Josh off of me and scoot next to him so we   lay side by side on the large couch. The boys all take a chair and we all relax. I grab the remote and turn on South Park. It was an Canadian one with Terrance and  Phillip. Josh then makes fun of how we're portrayed. "Don't you just see the top of my head flail around?" I just laugh at his sillyness and lay my head on his chest. This is normal for us, but I couldn't help but feel something for the tall, blue eyed boy. He put his arm around me, I could have sworn I felt chills. Oh gosh, I'm not falling for him am I?  I get a text and Feeling Small comes on by Marianas Trench of course, what can I say I'm their biggest fan.  Between the spac- I clicked the on button to see a text from my friend Batel. "Whats up? xx" "Laying on Josh as usuall" "Lol, I'll leave you 2 alone then. Peace xx" "Haha, whatever bye :P"  I layed my phone down and passed out on Josh's chest. The next morning I woke up to my hair being twirled by the one and only Josh. I giggled and poked his nose. He stuck out his tounge, and I did the same, except I don't have a tounge ring. He got up and started Mikes coffe and Mike handed him a coke zero, he's adicted to coke zero. I slowly get up and grab the milk jug, pouring me a healthy glass. Then we all gather into the living room with Josh singing the badgers song, and me and him dancing to it. He is so silly. After talking for a while we all decided to go to the mall. After piling into Josh's car me upfront with him of course. We arive and me and Josh drag everyone into Spencers. He was looking at belts, while I was looking at gauges and necklaces, while Ian looked at keychains, and Matt and Mike went to be pervy back in the back of the store. I walked back there to finnd Matt with a blow up doll and Mike with a mug shaped like a boob. "I can't leave you two alone for a second can I?" I could barley hold back my laughter at their "Inocent faces" I then leave them to themselves to go find the handsome lead singer, who was still looking at belts. I decided to be sneaky and grab a belt and wrap it around his waist and pulled him towards me. His confused face is so cute. At that point there was no space in between up and I looked up to find his blue eyes gaze into my green ones. Oh god I am falling for him, but really who wouldn't? He's gorgeous. I snap out of my trance and release him. He hesatated for a second then backed up and giggled "Well hello to you too" "Hehe, Hi You won't believe what YOUR friends are doing back there..." "Oh, so when they're being bad they're my friends?" He said giggling sweetly "Yep, pretty much."  I said flasing him a smile while walking over to the glass cases to check out tongue rings for Josh, I spotted a rainbow one and freaked out. "Joshie!!! Johsieeee!!"  I squealed "Haha, yes Raven?" "Loooookkk!" I pointed to the rainbow one. "Would you wear it?"  I asked hopefully. "If you get this," He pointed to a rainbow lip ring "of course I would" I squealed with happiness. He went over to the register and told her what to get. She looked a little star struck but she regained her self and got the tounge and lip ring. As we walked out of the store I was  begging Josh to put his new ring in. So him and Matt went into the bathroom, so josh could see what he was doing. I was left with Ian and Mike. I had just put in my lip ring, and Mike was playing with the boob mug thing. I then dragged the 2 boys into a pink store called Claires which surprisingly sells emo stuff. I went to look at the gloves, while Ian and Mike stood there looking awkward mouthing "HELP ME" to people passing by. They just laughed at them. Mike came whining that he didn't want to be in a girly store and he  wanted to leave, until he saw a tiara and put it on and pretended he was a princess. I was slightly disturbed but ignored him and selected a pair of neon shoes, a grey and red tie, and 2 pairs of gloves. I payed and told the boys they could go, they were very pleased. As I was walking out of Claires I noticed Josh and Matt walking this way. Josh was flickering his tongue like a snake showing off the new ring. I loved it, if at all possible it made him even more hot, and we were matching! He put his old tounge ring, where I had put mine, into my Claires bag, then taking it and rifling threw my stuff. "Hey mister!" I said while taking my bag back, he stuck his toungue out at me, oh god he's hot I thought. We then made our way to Hot Topic, while Mike and Ian griped about their tragedy. I rolled my eyes and walked into the dark store and headed to the back for thongs. Josh was walking behind me, but then was distracted by a  thing of mascara. I called him over to help me choose, this was normal for us. He liked the blue and black ones. I then saw a dress and shoved the thong at Josh for him to hold. I then asked the desk person to open the dressing room door so I could change into the dress. It was a low cut dress the had a corset shape to it and covered what it should (barely). When I was done changing into the dress, I called Josh over to take a look and give his opinion. He said walked around the corner and his jaw dropped to the floor.  "I'm guessing you like it?" I giggled "Of course I do Raven you look gorgeous" "I couldn't help but blush I went back in and changed. I came out dress in hand and saw Josh leaning up against the wall. He was still holding my thong what a gentleman. I told him I was buying the dress and his eyes lit up he giggled a bit. I walked to the counter and payed for the thong and dress. As we were walking out Josh spied one of those picture booths and begged me to go with him. So I gave Matt my bags and trotted after him with the boys lagging behind. I climbed in and sat next to Josh. He said to do a silly picture first so we did, then a serious, then a sad, then for the last picture he said to look at him. Confused I looked at him and he kissed me as soon as it snappedthe picture. I felt sparks of electricity and instantly kissed back and put my arms around his neck. I guess the pictures were in the little tray at that point cause I heard Mike go "Ewww cooties!" the I saw Matt open the curtain and he screamed "FINALLY!" Josh blused and looked into my eyes he said "Raven you are perfect porcelain. Will you be my lover dearest?" I laughed at him for using his own lyrics. I kissed him one more time and said "Of course I will Joshie"  Then we got out of the booth and got tackled by the boys. They were all saying things like "Finally" and "About time" I guess he's liked me for a long time. Josh then grabbed my hand and led me to the food court. I was starving me and him  split a coke zero. It was cheesey, but Matt said we looked cute.  After we left the mall we went back to Josh's and he said he wanted me to move in, becuase he hated my parents. I said I would and that night I snuck into my room and got all of my stuff, and took it back to Josh's. "My parents will never notice" "Yeah... At least they won't hurt you anymore" I just noddded as I was carrying the last suit case into his bedroom it slipped and hit my arm. I dropped down in pain. Josh came running witha worried look on his face. "What's wrong Raven? What happened?" "The suit case fell and hit my arm"  I gasped "Let me see" I resisted at first, then gave in. He lifted up my sleve and gasped, tears filled his eyes, it hurt me looking at what I caused. "Raven, promise me you'll never do this again. Promise me baby. Please" "I promise, I'm so sorry, I won't do it again."  "Thank you Raven" He smiled and kissed me  and carried me to the couch and layed me down and went to get himself a coke zero. I giggled and watched the boys play Halo. I got out my phone and texted Batel "Oh my gosh! Josh asked me out I said yes! :D" a millasecond later she replied "Finanlly! xx" I layed my phone down, then Josh lifted me up and put me on his lap and we cuddled and watched the boys play Halo. All I could think is this is so amazing. I finanlly get to call him mine.  Josh turned to me and said "Yes you can" confused I said "How do you do that?" "It's a secret babe" and kissed me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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