Random stuff i said

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"If you cannot live for your loved ones or the one you truly love, then live for yourself. live on to see the wonders of this world and beyond its skies"

"sometimes it's best to look upon your darkest times, in order to see the growth you have within you"

"If you can go back and tell yourself not to be a dumbass and do this and that, it shows you've grown"

"It is good to enjoy life on your own, but it's better when it's with your loved ones"

"If you feel like cutting yourself, best to use a marker. Make art from the pain.Don't use pens, though, they hurt like hell."

"Memories can't be made from the outside world alone, it is possible to receive some at your very home"

"If you were or are bullied, it's best to throw your fists back at them. It shows them that you're not weak when cornered"

"Humor can be great armor when facing dark times. it can be up to plot armor levels of tough"

Well, this is all I can say here! Decided to share it with all of you since I've been telling myself that.AM out!

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