Darkness Rising Part 1

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Ratchet stands by the computer terminal, seaching for any possbible Energon spikes that, could pop up anytime. Suddenly, a new signature appears on screen. The medic analyzes furter to see it is originating form the Northern Canadian wilderness. And to shock, there is a profile picture of a familiar red mech right neck to the signal.

Ratchet: "Blasted Earth tech!"( Ratcher exllaime.) "Cliffjumper's signal just popped back online."

Team Prime stepped closer whilst Sailor Scouts came to the railing nearest to Ratchet.

Usagi: "Wait...who's Cliffjumper?"( Usagi asked.)

Optimus: "How is that possible?"( Optimus inquined, ingoring Usagi question.)

Ratchet: "It isn't."( Ratchet answered.) "It's another bug. The system's chalked full of them!"

Arcee: "If there's any chance that Cliff is still alive."( Arcee stated with a smile, a sense of renwed hope.)

Optimus: "Ratchet, activate the groundbridge!"( Optimus commanded.)

The gruff' Bot walked to the groundbridge controls, entered the coordinate, and pulled down the lever. Suddenly, the tennel carved into the side of the mesa wall, flared to life as greenish-blue light consumed the passayway.

Makoto: "Hey!"( Makoto called out.) " What can we do' sire?"

Optimus looked at Usagi and the others. True they are the Sailor Scouts had super powers and could be helpful, but Optimus did not to want risk any of them getting hurt and Decepticons cannot  find their existed. Besides, this mission is only search and rescue.

Optimus: "Remain with Ratchet."( Optiums replied.)

mMakoto: "Uh,"( Makoto sighed as she gripped the railing, so tightly that it actually almost break it.)

Ratchet: "Uh,"( Ratchet rented annoyingly.)

Optimus: "Autobots,"( Optiums saide.) "Roll out!"

Optimus collapsed into his red/blue Peterbilt mode and zoomed through the portal first. Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee transformed into their vehivle modes and followed swiftly.

Usagi: "W-what just happened?"( Usagi asked dumbfounded.)

Ratcet: "I sent them to designated coordinates Via the groundbrige?"( Ratchet explained.)

Rei: "What's a groundbrige?"( Rei inquired with intrigue.)

Ratchet vented a heavy as he continued.

Rarchet: "It is a scale down verison of spacebridge technoloy since we do not passess the means or Energen required for intergalactic trave..."

Makoto: "You're stuck here."( Makoto finished.) "On Earth!"

Rarchet: "With the likes of you, yes( Rarchet replied.) "But I engineered the groundbridge to allow travel from here, to anywere on this planet."

Ami:" Dose it works for humans."(Ami quened.)

Ratchet: "Naturally,"( Ratchet with a hint of pride.)

Luna: "It's almost like the Moon telepert the Moon Kingdom use for travel anywere to cross the univers."( Luna summarized.)

Ratcet: "Yes I remeber back then the Moon Kingdom use have powerfull electronics all becaucse Amphitrite.( Ratchet say with a sad tone.)

Ami: "Who that?"( Ami asked.)

Ratchet: "Just a old friend from the past."( Ratchet said.)

The girls know he lying but they just ignoring it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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