Sailors Meet Aliens

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It was early morning in the city of Tokyo Japan. The yellow sun is beginning to peak over the eastern horizon and the many building that fill with people. A black sky is fading into a blue one with pink-purplish could wisps that resembles a paintbrush stroke. Usagi was now on her way to school as usual. Yet seemed completely oblivious to the idea of her being hero. She smiled widely when she saw her friends Makoto and Ami waiting at the corner of the sidewalk.

Usagi:"Ami! Mako! Morning!( greeted them.)

Ami:" Good morning, Usagi!"( smiled.)

Makoto: "Good job! You're not late today this time!(complimented.)

Usagi:"Well I have been having bad dreams a lot lately, so I keep waking up early."( Usagi said with a bashful smile.)

Her memory then flashed back a dream she recently last night.

Usagi: "Lately I've been the same dream every night "(Usagi thought to herself.)

However she was so deep in thought that she wasn't looking were she was going and she bumped into someone. This caused Usagi to fall on the street on her rear.

Usagi:"Ow!"( Usagi whimper in pain.)

Ami:"Are you okay?"( Ami said with concern.)

However when Usagi looked up to see who she bumped into, and gawked in shock.

Usagi:"Hey it's you again!"( Usagi gawked. It was non other than Mamoru she bumped into.)

Mamoru:"Hey you!(he grinned slightly.) "Though you should pay more attention where you walk."(he pointed out.)

Usagi:"I could say the same to you!"( Usagi retorted.)

Then Mamoru reached out his hand to her to help her back up. Usagi blushed in embarrassment.

Usagi:"Thanks, but I can get up on my own."( she said as she got up on her own.)

There was a moment between them, when Usagi looked at him and blushed from embarrassment.

Mamoru: "Be more careful.(He said) See you later."( He waved and left.)

Makoto: "So who he?"(Makoto said to Usagi.)

Usagi: "I don't know him."(Usagi blushed.) "I keep bumping into him a lot recently."

Makoto: "Um, Usagi you're blushing."(Makoto pointed out.) "Oh I think I know what it is?"(Makoto gawked.)

Usagi:"N-No! I-It's not what you think !"(Usagi stammered.)

Ami: "That school uniform. It's from a very elite school, Moto-Azabu Private High school."(Ami said in speculation.) "Do you know him? Do you know his name?"(she asked.)

Usagi: "All I know that his name is Mamoru Chiba."(Usagi said still blushing.)

Makoto: "So you do know his name."(Makoto smirked.)

Usagi: "I told you it's not what you think!"( Usagi whined, while Makoto was chuckling.)

Ami: "Usagi, Mako!"(Ami said. The two girls looked at her.)

Ami: "Look."( She pointe.)

The girls turned to see a building housing a giant flat screen broadcasting the morning news.

News Lady: "A mysterious man, who's identity is unknown, has made  a statement to the media, claiming that he's been committing crimes in order to obtain a item in which he calls  the Legendary Silver Crystal.'(The news women announced.)

Meanwhile at Academy For Girls, Rei Hino walking home she also hear about the news today. It spread like wildfire throughout the school her friends and classmates, were talking themselves .

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