5 : Plan No.1

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As Trudy stepped out of the West's extremely poor property for her luxurious standards, she couldn't recoil her rage.

Hannah West had stepped out of line for too many times, but for her to kick Trudy out of the house that Trudy's outfit alone was more expensive than was too much. The woman acted as if Trudy's mere presence didn't honor her, and that was not an everyday occurrence, especially with all the credit cards that were stocked in her Calvin Klein wallet that made all the wannabes - like Hannah West - kiss all the way up her ass and lick back.

Fishing out the keys from her Louis Vuitton bag, she unlocked the door to her Lamborghini and slipped inside. Her precious car was a head turner, and Trudy craved every glance. She loved seeing envy in the eyes of others. Although, she sometimes wished it was aimed at her and not her wealth.

As if on cue, the second she closed the door, her gold iPhone rang. A photo of a tanned, grinning guy with curly hair was displayed. The name Justin Harvard was on top. Trudy bumped her head on the steering wheel, grunting in frustration.

Justin was rich alright, his family owning Harvard University. He was nice, caring, and from the same social class as her - the kind of guy that her family would love. However, she couldn't see herself with him for solely that reason. She only dated him because he had eyes for Evangeline, and not her. It was merely an ego thing. She wanted to prove to herself that she was better than Eva. Besides, the guy was cute, and a convenient college plan, so what was the harm in dating him?

Wrong, Trudy scolded herself. Not only was he a possessive and an overly jealous boyfriend, but a clingy one too. There was nothing worse to Trudy than that combination in a person.

Hesitantly, Trudy picked up in the last ring. After all, he was still a good college plan.

"Hey, babe." Justin's cheerful voice beamed, "Guess what I'm doing right now."

Trudy cringed at the pet name. "What?"

"Whoa." Justin was taken aback by her harsh tone. "Is something wrong?"

Yeah, Trudy thought, Your existence in my life.

Trudy took a deep breath. "No," she forced the word, "I'm just on my period." She was PMSing, so, technically, she wasn't lying.

"Oh." Justin gave an awkward silence. "Anyways, as I was saying. I'm doing a religious study, and I thought of you while reading this; God darkened those with hard feelings."

He did not just say that, Trudy thought, her hands balling on their own. She couldn't believe he was insulting her like that, and with something she couldn't control; her skin tone. Fuck college plans, she thought, especially when they involved disgusting, racist people.

"Don't talk to me." she spat on the phone, "And don't call me again."

Justin stammered awkwardly. "Is-... Is this a period thing, or...?"

Trudy reminded herself that she was collected and told herself that she would deal with this like adults. So, she took a deep inhale and kept her voice as levelled as possible. "I don't think we work, Justin."

D.I.C.K (D.I.C.K Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now