Chapter 7

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I do up the shoelace of my sneakers. Any minutes now I would be going on "date night". Just great. Harrison is taking me bowling then we might be going to the party. I'm so excited! Not!

"Wassup gorgeous" Harrison strolls in, kissing me on the cheek, "you look very nice." I smile up at him. I was casual, but nice casual. I'm wearing black skinny jeans that are rolled up at the bottom, a red tight jumper crop top thingy and black and white sneakers. My hair was straightened and flowing free.

"Hello to you too handsome" I smile and push up on my toes and kiss him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. I pull my head back.

"I never want to let you go." I smile up at him, then I remember kissing Jack and I frown.

"We should go." I pull him out my room and out the house. Once he gets in the car and starts driving the radio turns on. The song playing was one I liked, but really not the right time for it. Harrison starts singing it.

"They don't want to see us make it, they just wanna divide. 2017 Bonnie and Clyde. Wouldn't see the point of living if one of us died. Got that kind of style everybody try to rip off." He keeps singing, but he grabs my hand and smiles at me while still looking at the road, "come on baby girl sing with me." He pleads, the chorus was coming up and I couldn't help myself, even with all the shit going on with Jack.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, to my lover, I'd never lie" we sing together. I start laughing, Harrison is a really bad singer.

Not long after the song stops. The radio people start talking, but Harrison turns it down.

"I love you, you know that right?" I turn to him. For a long time in our relationship all he wanted was sex, now he was actually treating me as his girlfriend and not just a booty call, "I know we have our up's and down's and I've been a bit of a dick recently, but I love you and I couldn't live without you." My heart pounds, the guilt rushes over me. I have to hold back the tears, "come on, we're here." I jump out of the car and shut the door behind me. I have to tell him about Jack, but I can't seem to bring myself to it. He grabs my hand and pulls me inside. We step in, the neon lights and music giving it a fun atmosphere. We walk up to the counter where a young pimply, oily long haired boy stands behind the counter. He looks from Harrison to me, with a bored expression on his face.

"How many?" his voice bored and just staring.

"Obviously just two." Harrison rolls his eyes.

"Well no shit sherlock" the oily teen retorts.

"Just fucking tell me the price" Harrison spits out. I look at him, he's getting angry, I don't like it when he gets angry, so I do the first think that comes to head. My hand makes contact with the soft, yet hard surface. He turns to me with a grin and a quirked eyebrow.

"Did you just slap my butt?" I stick my head up.

"So what if I did. It's one nice booty" I hold the laughter in and it looks like he's trying hard to keep it in too. I pull out the money from my purse and put it on the counter in front of the teen, "we'll take lane 2, thanks." I smile and drag Harrison, smiling like a maniac.

"I was going to pay" Harrison whines, I sit down on the chair.

"You can get next time." He smiles, pecking my lips.

"You do know we need the shoes right?" He smiles cheekily at me. Shit he's right! I forgot the shoes.

"Well looks like I need to go talk to the oily, moody teenager again" I sigh.

"You do know we are oily, moody teenagers?" his smile stays.

"Ugh! I'm not that oily!" I cry out. I get up, going to get the shoes, "put our names in while I'm gone" I nod to the score board.

"Sure, I'm size 12 by the way."

"You know what they say about big feet" I wiggle my eyebrows at him and turn to walk away, when I feel someone touch my butt. I turn and see Harrison smiling like a little kid that was just greeted with unlimited chocolate and lollies.

"It's a nice booty." He mocks me. I sigh and walk up to the counter again to get the shoes. During this time, I get a good glance at the people around. There's another couple in the corner that are practically eating each other. There's a few young kids running around in the arcade area and a family of four bowling.

I get to the counter and tell the kid mine and Harrison's sizes and he hands over the shoes, which are not that pretty and lord knows where they have been and what types of feet have been in them. I walk back and drop the shoes in front of Harrison. He smiles up at me, but a very mischievous smile. I look up to the name board and see the names he has typed in.

'Hottie' and 'Cute butt'. Just fantastic, Who was who?

"Umm, I'm hottie right?" I turn to him.

"Ahh whatever you want gorgeous" he stands up to kiss me, "now I'll go easy on you and maybe if you're lucky, I'll do that cheesy thing where I help you."

"Fuck you, I don't need you or your manly ways to help me. I'm a pro bowler, so be prepared to lose." I smirk at him, slapping his butt once again as I walk to put my shoes on. He is so going down. His ego needs to be knocked down a little.

"Booyah!" I throw my hands up in excitement, "I told you I would win."

I look to him and he looks genuinely shocked. Take that Harrison's ego.

"Alright, maybe you're just too good for me." He walks towards me. I smirk at him. A sly smile makes its way onto his face. He progressively get closer until he's pushed up against me, out breath mingling. I thought he was going to kiss me, as much as I wanted too, Jack came back into my head. Goddamn boys.

"Let's head to that party, yeah?" I pat his chest and walk away. I feel guilty and I hate the feeling. I really have to tell him, but whenever the chance appears I choke up and never say anything. Maybe tonight with some alcohol in me, I could finally tell him.

We walk to the car, I go to open the door, but it's locked. I'm flipped around and met with lips. I'm pushed against the car. The body feels and smells like comfort, yet confidence, my favourite smell. The lips are soft, yet hungry. I push him away.

"Let's go pretty boy." I breathe heavily, so does he. He nods sexily, unlocks the car then runs his fingers through his hair. He leans down to whisper in my ear.

"You drive me wild." I turn a crimson red. He walks to the other side of the car. I can't believe that's my boyfriend and I might have fucked it up, because I got curious. I'm such a hypocrite.

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