Chapter three:Bonding?

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I actually like the ending of the last chapter because Peter was being sweet.D'aww cute Peter,Derek moment.So how have you guys been?Enjoy this chappie!


Derek point of view:

As we pulled up to the mall's parking lot I checked my wallet to see if my stuff was still in there.All my money and credit cards were there,my I.D and license,and the small family photo I had tucked away in a secret pocket.I sighed,just because Peter is my uncle doesn't mean I trust him."Derek did you hear me?"Stiles asked,I noticed he had already parked."What?No sorry."I looked up at him."I said let's go." He smiled at me but some how I could tell he was concerned.I opened my door and got out into the parking lot. Stiles was taking the lead,because I've never been to this mall.

We made our way to the entrance only to be stopped by a security guard."Aren't you boys suppose to be in school." He asked.He had a furry black mustache above his mouth,also he had a beer belly,and looked around fifty maybe sixty."Look we don't want any trouble." I tried to walk past him but he put his hand on my chest stopping me."Now young man answer my question." I looked down at his hand on my chest,why in the hell is he touching me.I quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it away from chest,he looked at me with shock."Young man you better watch yourself." He growled angrily.

I scoffed,while stiles looked around nervously. "We just want to buy some clothes for school." I said annoyed."Well I'm sorry to say but-" Stiles literally walked straight past him grabbed my hand and dragged my to the escalator.The security just stared dumb founded,We finally got to the first floor and Stiles was still holding my hand.He didn't seem to mind and to be honest nether did I,but I'm not going to be a teenager forever so it would be wrong to form any type of romantic relationship with any one. I'm not saying I'm gay it's just I wouldn't mind dating Stiles,but he's just to young.

So I gently slipped my hand out of his,his face was blank but he reeked of disappointment and sadness. I feel terrible but what can I do, we just continued walking." you want to go shopping right away or do you want to head to the food court."I asked.That's when Stiles checked his phone."None of the stores open until nine-thirty and it's only nine-twenty,so the food court sounds good." I nodded and we made our way to the food court.The mall wasn't really packed so it was easy to find a seat. "I'll pay." I offered but stiles refused quickly."Stiles it's okay I have enough money to buy a mansion,I'm pretty sure I can buy us brunch." I said stubbornly."Fine,fine you can buy the brunch." He grumbled and I smiled smugly as we made our way to the lunch line.

Stiles ordered a large pizza slice with curly fries and a pop,while i ordered a burger,onion rings,and a bottled water.We ate in silence,it was a mix of awkward yet comforting silence but it just didn't feel right.Once we finished we threw out our trash and made our way to the stores.Stiles checked his phone and it was nine thirty,i think were good on the whole time thing.


After shopping for two hours I had wasted $1,500 on clothes and school supplies plus I bought stiles a sweater that cost about $200.He protested but I still bought it,he said he would pay me back but I denied that offer.So now were on our way back to his house,because my loft his farther away from the mall."Do you think you could drive with out your license?"Stiles asked while looking at the road."You don't have to drive me if you don't want to,its okay." I said cooly.But it is true he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to,I'm not going to force him unless it's a life or death situation.He was quiet for a moment his lips in a straight tight line.

"I don't mind it's just...what if you get stranded and I'm busy."He mused.I shrugged.Im starting to get tired of talking,my head aches a bit.I'm not used to talking to someone so much,i'm usually the silent yet deadly type."You know this is the most you've talked to me ever." Stiles chuckled. "It's like we're bonding." I couldn't help but smile at his statement because it's true.Stiles has always been part of the pack but I usually just choose to ignore him because sometimes he can really push my buttons."It was nice while it lasted." He mumbled to himself, I'm guessing he didn't think I heard that.

After about twenty minuets we made back to his house.I brought my bags inside so that I could change.Stiles went upstairs to his room whistling so I made my way upstairs with him."Uh where's the bathroom?" I asked he pointed across the hall as he sat on his chair in front of his desk.I put all of my bags down except for one,and I made my way to the bathroom locking the door behind me.I quickly slipped out of my pajamas and got in the shower.I didn't ask if I could take a shower but I needed to,I turned on the shower and began cleaning myself.I used stiles soap because it was the only one there and I know it's stiles because I can smell it on him.I washed up and turned the shower off.I poked my head out to see if there was a towel but there wasn't.

Shit.Im not going to air dry that'll take to long,only one thing to do."Stiles." I yelled,it was dead silent for a second."Stiles." I yelled a bit louder."What." he yelled from his room,i thought he left for a second."Can you get me a towel." I heard a chuckle and then a lot of moving around.I got out the shower wet and naked. I stepped to the side if the door so when I open it all he will be able to see is my head and my arm when I reach out to grab the towel.Stiles knocked on the door and I opened it,he stock out the towel through the door crack.I grabbed the towel and poked my head through the crack."Thanks." I smirked a bit.I wrapped the towel around my waste and came into his view.

He looked down at my waste and then back up my abs."I..uh...i." Stiles stuttered nervously."You what?" I said trying to get his attention back to my face."Scott wanted to know if you wanted to join night."Stiles finally looked me in the eye."Sure." I shrugged."Just let me get dressed." he nodded and begin to walk away but kept looking back.I shut the door and dried myself.I put on a black v-neck,with dark blue jeans,and black combat boots.I styled my hair like I use to do when I was a teenager,well I am a teenager but you know.I put my pajamas in the bag my new clothes had been in and walked back into stiles room.I grabbed my deodorant from another bag and put it on."You ready?."Stiles asked as he shut down his computer. I nodded and we both left his room.

Stiles shut off all the lights in the house and we made our way to Scott's house.

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