Chapter fourteen:Dont do Drugs just hug Pugs

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Heyyyyyyyy guys how's your week,month,year been going?what are you gonna be for Halloween?I'm being the tardis!


Stiles' point of view:

Scott was finally a little less drunk so I decided to walk him to Derek's car so he could take a breather.When we both got outside to my surprise everyone but Derek,Erica,and Boyd was standing by the car waiting patiently for us or him.Scott approached Allison with a needy wine and his arms out stretched for a hug.She grabbed him and hugged him his head resting on her shoulder.

"Where's Derek?I'm ready to leave."Jackson looked up slightly annoyed and obviously drunk.

"He went looking for Boyd and Erica,seems they got lost in the party."Isaac huffed his cheeks were red and his body was sweaty.He must have been dancing and a lot by the looks of it.I nodded and sighed.

"I'll go get him than."The others nodded and I jogged into the building,the music made my ears ring a little,and the bright lights made it harder for me to find him.He did have paint all over his cheeks,it made him look like he had a blue blush,the best part he was totally oblivious towards it.

I squeezed through the crowd still searching for any sign of my sour wolf.The crowd started getting more rowdier by the minute,someone shoved me making me fall onto the ground.I groaned someone kicked me while dancing and another person stepped on me.I quickly got up from the ground trying to regain my balance so i wouldn't fall again,Samantha appeared in front of me grinning.

I backed away only to bump into that Andy kid who always seemed to be everywhere,I sighed in relief maybe he could help me.

"Andy..hey can you help me..."I stopped he smirked the dark lights making him look devilish.He grabbed my hands behind my back and pushed me towards Samantha who had a red cup in her hand.She forcefully grabbed my chin i tried to resist but Andy twisted my wrist slightly making me cry out in pain.Samantha took that as her moment of opportunity and dumped the drink into my mouth.

It burned my mouth but she put her hand over my lips so that i couldn't spit any of it out.It trickled down by throat with an awful burning sensation.I gulped it down so it wouldn't hurt as much as it already did,big mistake my stomach ached right when i finished it.Andy let go off me and i felt dizzy.

The room around me was a blur of bright colors and loud noises.It hurt my head and my eyes so I closed them tight trying to block off the pain.I opened them again only to see Samantha and Andy arguing about me,i couldn't make out there words for the room was too loud.

I tried to walk out of there to Scott,Derek,anybody but my body wouldn't cooperate with me.My ears made everything sound as if i was underwater,the sensation in my body made me feel weak and I again tried to walk but i fell instead.I heard laughter as someone helped me up.It was Andy.

"What'd you give him?"His words didn't sound real and his smirk looked wider,discomforting.I tried to speak but my tongue felt dry and my mouth went slack.All i really wanted to do was leave and find Derek.

"It's a secret,"Samantha chimed and pointed towards stairs."Sit him over there."

Andy listened like a little servant and guided me towards the curved steps.I groaned trying to speak but failing.I plopped on the cold steel stairs and winced,he made me hit my lower back,i definatly will have a bruise.

Samantha sat beside me and pulled me close to her,she reeked of liquor and roses,she had this evil glint in her eyes.I tried to resist her moving slightly away but she pulled me closer with force almost making me hit my forehead on hers.

"Revenge is sweet."She whispered quietly and my heart rate spiked fear rushing through my veins.

She placed her lips on mine and i did everything in my power to resist to fight back,but she came back even stronger,she tasted like cigarettes and booze,I winced and she pulled away from me smiling slyly.

Wasn't she into Derek though,wasn't he her original target,not me.I looked up and made eye contact with sad hazel eyes,his eyes,I tried to speak but again i couldn't,and he ran,ran away from me.

He doesn't know that i was drugged,that it was against my free will,and i obviously couldn't do anything about it.Andy walked up to us and sat beside Samantha and asked her something I couldn't understand.

"Yeah take him."She grunted and fear rushed through me again.What did she mean by take him,take me sexually,take me into the secluded woods,murder me?And then I felt it the adrenaline of fear and I shot up and ran.

My legs felt like jelly but I continued to run,i made it outside the cooled air smacking me in the face and making me feel sicker.I scrambled for my car keys and rushed to my jeep not looking back.I somehow unlocked the door and hoped inside locking the door behind me.Andy and Samantha ran out and started towards my jeep but I started it and swerved out into the road.

The motion of the car calmed me but my vision was fuzzy,the world seemed illuminated,everything was bright and distracting.I parked my jeep in an entrance way to the woods and shut off the lights.My head throbbed and my body ached,I sat back and closed my eyes trying to block out the world,it was a lot harder than I thought but it helped.

The woods was still and it was warm in my jeep.I sighed and climbed to the back of the jeep and curled up in a ball.My stomach turned and I groaned loudly uncomfortable but to sick to keep driving.

I missed my bed,I missed Derek,and I defiantly missed sleeping in my bed with Derek.

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