shot-3( final shot)

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Hey guys.. I m writing this story... After that I will post another story as many of you said to complete this story here it is.. .hope u like it...


Sanskar was walking in corridor,.he was looking sad,.. he take out his phone nd dial a number but once again he got same reply..what he is getting since two weeks " the no. U r trying is switched off,. kindly call again later"..
It's been two weeks since has shown,she was not lifting calls,. He tried to know from her friends but they also don't know anything about her.. he was getting worried for her,.so many bad thoughts were coming in his mind nd he was getting restless with each passing seconds without her..
He got frustrated,. " Where are you swara"?
Suddenly he sees her in college ground... Nd got happy but his expression changed to anger,.he immediately go there,.. here he was worried about her and she was sitting peacefully..

Swara was sitting on a bench reading a book. Suddenly someone snatch the book from her hand nd it was reveal as the same boy..
Swara ( angry) what the hell Sanskar?
Sanskar; seriously swara,.. u r asking me this,. It should be me to ask the same right?

Swara; say clearly,..what are you talking?
Sanskar; where were you swara? It's been two weeks ,.nd there's no sign of you? Nd worst of it you were not picking up my calls,. What happened to you,. I was worried for you all the while nd you are here sitting and reading this book,.
Swara; ( Stern) look ,. I was busy ok,.
Sanskar; ( confused) what busy? If it was that urgent,..u could have at least inform me,.
Swara( angry) what the hell Sanskar,. Stop try to behave as typical boyfriend,. Why are you overreacting..
Sanskar; what do you mean.? I love you and I care for you..
Swara; so what? It doesn't mean that I will inform each and everything about my life,.where I go? What I do? You are my boyfriend,..not my husband or parents,.stop interfering in my life,.
Sanskar; ( hurt) swara? What are u talking about? I didn't mean that,.. I was just worried for you when I didn't saw u from days,nd no one knew about it. Nd now u r behaving so casually like it's not such big thing..
Swara; re right's not such big thing,.. I wanted to feel fresh so I was out of station with my friends,.
Sanskar; what do u mean? Nd what friends? You're all friends didn't even knew where were u then...
Swara; I have other friends too Sanskar,.is it necessary that u will know everyone?,..nd I wanted a break,..I was feeling suffocated...nd I was tired of pretending?( Swara knows how much she was hurting Sanskar with each words but more than that she was hurting herself)
Sanskar; what are u talking about? Break? Pretending?
Swara; yeah ,.. I was tired to pretend that I was ok in relationship with you but you know the reality I m sick of it now.. I didn't wanted to say this but now that u have forced me..then listen I don't want this relationship anymore,.just finish it.. on second thought I never gave it such importance.( Avoiding looking at him while saying all this, looking here and there,.not meeting his eyes)
Sanskar was getting more hurt by her words but composed himself and asked; but swara we love each other right?..
Swara;( chuckled) wait.. wait.. we love each other? Look Sanskar, now as I m clearing everything,. I should tell u this.. I never loved was only u who loved me,..for me it was never just break this out... I m done with it..
Sanskar eyes filled with tears..;why are you doing this swara?
Swara sees this but made herself strong; pls don't do this cry drama? I don't like it nd what I m saying wrong,.? I was thinking to break this relationship anyway,. It's not working,....
Sanskar; but why?swara if you have some problems,we can talk na,. We can solve it,. Don't do this to us..
Swara; ( shout) what solve haan? I don't want to solve it.. nd the problem,let me tell u ,.the problem is u...( Take sigh) fine,.u want to know the main reason,. That is,. Status Sanskar,. Look at you ,.. you are just a middle class person,. Nd me,. Daughter of Shekhar gadodia,one of the richest business of city,. Are we even comparable,?. This doesn't have any future,..( Pride and arrogance) it was more like burden on me, to be in relationship with u,. On the top of that I never loved u,.it's my mistake that I realized it's too late,. I should have told u earlier that it's not gonna stay longer,. I mean what you thought,. This relationship is for Lifetime,.but it's not ur fault,.normal attraction nd Infatuation are normal but we should not think it as future,. We have to think practically,..
Sanskar was now getting angry ; then why u played with my feelings?
Swara; I didn't.. it's u who came to me nd proposed was ur mistake that u fall for me.. I just accepted,. Nothing more than that.. it was just crush nd mere attraction,.but love,.don't mistake it.? Nd pls don't ask why you said I love u and all,..that gifts.. ,you should know it's normal,.even in fake relationship,.I mean every second person say I love you nowadays..but it doesn't mean that they mean it, wise I never mean it..
Sanskar got angry.. his eyes turned red in anger but tears too.. while swara was seem unaffected..
He hold her from her shoulder and make her stand forcefully.., pinning her to tree behind her,..swara feels pain, nd she got tears..she held tree so that she may not fall as her legs can't support her,. Sanskar was also holding her tightly..
Swara;( hurt) Sanskar,.. you are hurting me?
Sanskar; ( shout) no .. I m not.. it's you who is hurting me,. You know what,. You are right,. It's my mistake to love you..
Swara;( feeling pain but with Stern voice) thank God.. u realized it,. I thought how will u understand it..
Sanskar;yes ,.it was my mistake that I loved u more than my life.. It was my mistake that I thought you are not like those girls who show off there father's money,. Who are proud of there status.. for once if I got any ideas that u r a selfish, money minded nd heartless person who can just fake her love nd break my heart so badly.. I would have never fallen for u...
Swara; look u...
Sanskar; ( dangerously) Don't... Don't say a single word or I will forget that u r a girl whom I ever loved.
Ms. Swara gadodia,. I won't say I hate you,. But I hate myself to love you,.. what you said.. I m a middle class person right? From today .. I have only one target to be richest man of this country.
Swara; ( smiled smirkingly) huh..? U and richest man of this country?. . It is the best joke I have heard in my whole life.. u know what middle class people like you can only dream to became rich but their dream never fulfill,.so wake up.. u people can just make small house from ur hardwork not raise a business empire,. It's not for u people,.

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