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Samajeez was standing by the door watching me, a dark look overtaking his face.

"What are you doing?" He questions with a raised brow.

"Oh I don't know, Samajeez, I just decided I wanted to be on the floor for no good reason" I snap annoyed. And there she was.

Thanatos steps from behind Samajeez with an amused smirk on his face. "She's got a bite, careful this time Samajeez or you might not walk away intact this time."

I role my eyes continuing to clean up the mess. I sidestep Samajeez but he grabs my arm pulling me into him.

"What's with the attitude?" he asks angrily in my ear.

I glance over at Thanatos who was to busy studying a piece of paper. I lean closer to Samajeez " I don't like your father" I hiss.

He chuckles softly, pushing a lock of my dark hair behind my ear. "Noted" he mutters before he pushes me away and moves to stand beside his father.

I lean against the wall watching them. It was uncanny how similar they were. Both of them wanted to be in control but it was no doubt who was really in charge and Thanatos made sure he knew it too.

"Keller will you be a doll and bring me Evangeline" Samajeez mutters waving a hand to dismiss me.

I grumble under my breath as I leave, in search of her. She was lounging on a couch when I come across her, her face buried in a large book.


She looks up at me and I'm mildly surprised to see a simple girl looking back at me. Gone with the makeup and fancy jewelry. Instead it was a girl with freckles doting her pale face, her small frame no longer hidden behind the extravagant dresses. For a moment I believe that this wasn't her but she smiles at me urging me to go on.


"Umm, Samajeez needs your assistance" I say distractedly.

Something flashes through her eyes, fear. At first I'm not sure that was what I had seen but it was. It was there. The unmistakable feeling that I knew so well.

She offers me a smile but it was too late I had seen it. "Are you alright?" I question touching her arm softly.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be" she says looking away from me. She gets up clutching the book to her chest, waiting for me to lead her to Samajeez.

I say nothing as we walk toward the room, my eyes darting back to look at the women beside me.

"Ah good, Evangeline" Samajeez says catching sight of the both of us. She swallows nervously as she glances at Thanatos. Hunger reflects in his eyes and now I understood her fear. It wasn't toward Samajeez, it was for Thanatos.

"I want you to take my father to his room and give him anything he requests of you."

Thanatos follows closely behind Evangeline and I feel terrified for her. I turn back toward Samajeez allowing my features to change back to indifferent.

Samajeez watches me closely before stepping toward me. "My dear, don't worry."

"I'm not." I cross my arms ignoring the prying eyes of Samajeez. God why did he have to be so gorgeous. His silver orbs take in my wide eyes and he places a hand on my cheek.

"Yes you are. I know what you look like when you lie, you scrunch your nose."


I turn away from him but his cool hands surround my middle. "Keller." He warns in a condescending tone.

His lips brush mine softly and I sigh in annoyance. Why did he think this would be the answer to my problems?

"Are you mad because I haven't shown you attention today?"

"Really?" I question "I am not a petty person, Sam. Why would you think I would be mad at something so stupid?"

"Well I don't know you tell me. You're acting like a real bitch right now."

I push him away from me angered. "How dare you" I thunder angrily. I feel no remorse as I allow my hand to connect to his face.

"God damnit I though we got past this."

"Not even close."

He roles his eyes in annoyance. "I'm going to go get showered and when I get out I expect you to be in the room. This little attitude of yours had better be gone."

I grumble in annoyance crossing my arms. He sends one more look my way before he's heading down the hallway toward the room.

"I mean it" I hear him call. I so dearly wanted to disobey him, to feel the satisfaction of making him angry. However, I do as I'm told heading toward the room.

I could hear the shower going as I walk in, my eyes taking on the shadow of Samajeez through the shower curtain. "Close the door and come join me, my dear."

I allow the door to slam shut behind me. Was I really going to do what he told me too? Yes, the answer would always be yes. I already knew he controlled me and I even found myself pathetic. No matter how hard I tried I would always obey and as for me getting out of here. There was no hope.

So I suck up my feelings and slip off my clothes. I watch as they fall to the ground before I head toward the bathroom door. I knew what would happen once I got in, I would be trapped by his silver eyes. Sure enough as I pull back the curtain he offers me a cocky grin.

"That's what I thought." He whispers grabbing my wrist to pull me into the shower with him. The hot water washes over me, washing all my worries down the drain. Well not all of them.

"Come on, my dear, tell me what plagues your mind?" He asks his hand touching the nape of my neck.

"Nothing." Hoping that if I say it enough it would be true. But that's not how things work.

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