Colorado crime

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Chapter 1:
In early December, night came very quickly to the snow-covered hills and valleys of the high Rockies. The sunset faded as dusk blew across the land, bending the bare branches of white aspens and tall ancient pines. Stars shining brightly appears in the clear cold sky. Outside her A-frame house, Natalie Parker stood behind her stationed jeep wagon and listened to the relaxing breeze.

Less than 5 months ago , she'd packed up and moved from Atlanta to Aspen, Colorado. Leaving behind her friends and a well paid job in human resources, she sought solace in the big-shouldered Rockies where no one knew a thing about her history. Her ex-husband Will. His infidelities. Her restraining orders. The miscarriage. The humiliation of a marriage gone awfully wrong.
In Aspen, Natalie hoped to make a fresh new start at the age of 30. Though she'd only visited Colorado a few times before ,she' thought the mountains were a truly amazing natural paradise. She'd found a job at a small boutique a spent most of her savings on the deposit for this furnished A-frame haven rested on the sunny side of the canyon. Where she was standing, she could only see the rooftops of three other houses .They were all vacant during the week, only used in the weekends or holidays when families came up to ski. She very much enjoyed the solitude, the silence was peaceful. She lives with a room mate to help pay the bills as living in such a beautiful place came with a price. Ella Powell was the current problem though. When they first met, Ella joked about how lucky they were to have the same build , same colouring and same long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Why lucky?" Natalie asked.
"Because all the clothes that look good on you will suit me just fine!"
Ella took their physical similarities as an open invitation to help her self to any of Natalie's wardrobe. Natalie noted that this was a minor annoyance compared to Ella's constant cursing, her ear defining music and her clutter- books, dirty cloths and dishes , shoes- abandoned around the house. Oh and not to mention her string of boyfriends. Who may felt that it was okay to walk around the house with noting on.
This roommate things just wasn't working. Ella had to go. Standing on the long, level driveway that branched off from the steep road leading up the side of the canyon, Natalie glared at her A-frame. Every light was lit, including the lamp in her own bedroom - a probable indication that her roommate had been "borrowing" her clothes again. Ella's Jeep was parked up facing the road, ready to zoom the twelve miles into town.

Tonight, Natalie would tell her roommate that she'd had enough. She hadn't escaped from her ex-husband only to want to escape her living arrangements. It had to be done, she needed to break up with to speak.
She turned the handle on the back door which was, no surprise, unlocked to Ella's promise to keep the home secure. As soon as Natalie stepped inside, she wrinkled her nose in disgusted. It smelt so bad. Even worse than usual. The kitchen counter was littered with beer bottles and two plates with half-eaten sandwiches. Two plates. Most likely, Ella was upstairs with yet another boyfriend.
Dropping her messenger bag amongst the junk oh the counter, Natalie listened. Instead of usual screeches of passion, she heard silence. No music. No tv.
"Ella? Are you home?"
She had to be here. Her car was parked outside and her make up bag was on the table. She always keeps it with her. Always.
Natalie entered the living room where the sloped ceiling peaked at the to of the A. She stopped short. Denim covered legs and bear feet dangled above her head.
Ella hung by her frail neck from a rope.
Maybe she isn't dead. Not yet. Though Unconscious, Ella might still be alive. That thought send Natalie to action. She leaped forward, wrapping her slim arms around Ella's legs, trying to boost her up. Her bare feet were blue and cold. They were ice cold. Her body swung and twisted in the air.
This was not working; Natalie need to get some help.  In the kitchen, she grabbed her phone from her bag and failed 911.
When the operator answered, Natalie blurted out with a little whip in the voice, "I need an ambulance. My roommate. She-oh God. She's dead. She hung herself.."

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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