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   Bright light filled my eyes as I began to open them. I squinted and raised my arm above my eyes, in order to shield them. I blinked rapidly as my eyes adjusted to the light. That's when I noticed the clip thing on my finger. It was a Pulse Oximeter. I was in the hospital, my mind registered. I looked around. The heart monitor beeped steadily. I turned to my left and saw Quinn asleep on the couch. Benedict was in a chair pulled up close to my bed. He was asleep as well. I sighed a little bit and set my hand on my belly. That's when I noticed something odd.
   My stomach was huge. It was like I was about to burst open. I lifted up the gown and saw the stretch lines. My belly button was sticking out. I was scared that if I even poked my belly, it would pop like a balloon. I began to panic. How long was I out? Oh my god, how much of my life did I miss? I shook Benedict awake.
  "Ben..." my voice was raspy. I cleared my throat, "Benny, wake up."
   He stirred and lifted his head up. His eyes widened and he yelled, "IZE!! YOU'RE AWAKE!"
   Quinn awoke abruptly, "Holy shit, Ize!!"
   Benedict leaned forward and repeatedly pressed a button above my bed frame. A nurse immediately rushed in, smacking Benedict's hand away from the button. Quinn stood by the other side of my bed, grinning like an idiot.
   The nurse checked my vital signs, all that stuff. She patted my head after she was done and went to go get the doctor after she was done.

   The doctor was those cliched doctors with the pens in a pocket, clipboard in hand, balding head, round Harry Potter glasses, and a flabby chin. He looked ancient and weak, but he had a kindness radiating off of him. I wanted him to be my grandpa.
   "Hello, Ize. You've finally woken up." he smiled. He came over to my side, "Hello, I'm The Doctor, heh I really like using that line. But I'm Doctor Smith. I'm sure you have some questions and I will be happy to answer them."
   "How long have I been out?" I swallowed.
   "About 6 months." he answered.
   I nodded slowly. 6 months of my life that I've missed out on. My baby...
  "And my baby?" I questioned.
   "She's healthy. You're due any time soon now. That blow to the head really did knock you unconscious."
   "She? My baby is a girl..." I bit my lip, thinking of my baby.
   "Your step-father here," he patted Benedict's back, "has been in here all the time, along with your boyfriend over there."
   Benedict's and Quinn's faces were flushed. I didn't bother to correct the doctor. Benedict and Quinn must've lied about who they were in relations to me. Maybe it's because the actual father of my child would've gotten arrested if he revealed the truth.
   "Since your child is due soon, we recommend that you stay in the hospital for a longer time." Doctor Smith added. I nodded slowly and thanked him. He and the nurse left the room, closing the door behind them.

   I lifted myself up so I was leaning against the bed frame and wall. I crossed my arms and over my chest, "So... What's been going on without me?"
   "Bad news-wise or regular-wise?" Quinn asked.
   "Everything, you stupid face."
   Benedict uncrossed my arms and took hold of my hands, "James has... passed away. He overdosed on heroin and was found in your room. It was intentional. He left a note that only said, 'Forgive me, little sister. I love you.' I'm so sorry, Ize... Your aunt Mia called you on your cell to tell you the news. When we told her about your condition, but she didn't say anything. She hung up."
   I began to feel numb. James was dead? Michael's death must've overwhelmed him. But since when did he use heroin? Probably after I left with Quinn. Why wasn't I crying? Was it because I blamed him for mom's death? I don't know. I think that I knew that this was going to happen...
   I let out a sigh, "I think that he really wanted to be with Michael again... I'll miss James... but I think he's happier where he is..."
   Quinn ran his hand through my hair, and was rewarded with a glare from Benedict. Quinn just flashed a smile at him and said, "He wouldn't let me in the room by myself. Even though I'm your best friend and all. He's just some guy who put it in you and got you pregnant, leaving you for a few days, indicating that he wasn't going to come back, but when we followed him, he decided to take you back. He's not awesome like me."
   Benedict sneered, "Brilliant, Quinn."
   Quinn raised an eyebrow, "Really?"
   "Yes, brilliant impression of an idiot." Benedict said. Quinn scoffed and turned away. He walked towards the window and looked out, his arms crossed.

   Benedict leaned down and kissed my forehead, "I am so glad that you're back with me, Ize. I was going insane with Quinn's constant whining and without you awake. I missed you so much, Ize. I felt like I was missing my other half. And I'm counting down the days to when our daughter is finally with us."
   I smiled up at him and planted a quick peck onto his lips, "I love you. And I want to name our daughter Michelle Julia." 
    "I love you as well, and that's a beautiful name." he smiled.
    "I'm going out for some pizza. I'm starving. See ya." Quinn's voice startled me. He was walking out of the room and waved at us, and closed the door behind him.
   "Ugh, I wish I had some pizza right now." I groaned. Benedict laughed and patted my head.
   "Why do people do that? Am I like a pet or something?" I huffed.
   "No, it's just that you're so small and so cute." Benedict grinned. I sighed.

   Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my lower area. I winced, thinking it was nothing. Then, the pain began to get unbearable. I let out a whimper and grabbed onto Benedict, "I think... the baby... is coming..."
   He pressed the button for the nurse to come in. The pain reached a level where I began to yell desperately. I was going to have my child. Oh my god, Oh my god. 
   The nurses came in and I clutched Benedict's shirt, gritting my teeth, "I. Hate. Being. A. Chick. I. Am. Dying. Holy. Shit."
   My little Michelle Julia Cumberbatch was going to be born.

Light My Fire (Teacher/Student) (Benedict Cumberbatch fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now