CHAPTER 8: Ghost ... or Prank?

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“Where are we?” asked Robin.

“I’m not sure if I’ve brought you to the right place but I think you’re on Death Skulls’ ship.” Cyborg replied.

After researching and some fixing to the machine, they were about to go when Starfire suggested they stay in touch. Everyone agreed and Cyborg built some kind of communicator that would work even if they went back or forward in time. Despite the transmission being a little unstable and the faces of whoever they were talking to a tad bit pixilated, Robin thought it worked quite well.

Starfire looked up and spotted the flag. It was in the middle of the night and therefore hard to see but she could just make out an ominous white skull with a silver spear through the brain. She shivered, “I think we are standing in the place.”

“Over and out.” Robin said to Cyborg before closing the communicator shut. Then, he and Starfire examined the ship.

It looked just like any other ship in a pirate movie. Battle-hardy and old with lots of scars. The sails looked black but when Robin shined a light on them, they were in fact, deep blood red.

“Perhaps, we should start the searching of our friends, Raven and Beast boy?”

“I agree, Star. I hope they’re still … OK.” Robin swallowed at the thought of Raven and Beast boy dead with a spear in their skull in whatever prison cell they were in.

Erasing that disturbing image from his mind, he and Starfire explored the ship silently, lest they wake the sleeping pirates. Still, they couldn’t find anything that looked like it was used to hold captured prisoners.

At last, after looking about in the kitchen, they swung a door to … an empty room.

This doesn’t make any sense, Robin thought. This was the only place they haven’t seen yet but there’s no one there.

Then, Robin spotted a worn staircase leading down in a corner. No, he corrected himself, that’s the only place we’ve not seen.

As the two were about to descend however, the door behind them swung open. Starfire gasped and Robin knew it couldn’t be the wind for there were no windows. Gulping, he turned around and came face to face …

With a pirate.

Robin and Starfire held their breath. Hopefully, it was too dark for the pirate to see clearly. But Robin was sure he had spotted them already, seeing as they were standing in a patch of bright moonlight when the door had swung open and the fact that the pirate was directly in front of them.

“Eh? This ain't th' head?” murmured a slurred voice. The pirate was obviously not entirely awake.

Robin clamped a hand around Starfire’s mouth before she could ask. “He means the bathroom.” he whispered softly in her ear. Then, he pulled her and himself back into the dark patches of the room to avoid being seen clearly.

“Do … uh, ye know if there’s a … dungeon?” Robin asked uncertainly, trying his best to sound pirate-like.

“Right down thar. Jus' climb down th' stairs. Thar are some guards thar though.” murmured the sleepy pirate.

“Thanks.” Robin nodded and turned to go.

“Eh, just one more thing. Why do you ask? Every pirate here knows every corner of the ship.” the pirate seemed to be coming awake.

“We’re new.” Robin said.

The pirate could not seem to process his thoughts clearly. Must be the rum he had just now. He was a very heavy drinker. The pirate, even though a bit drunk and still not fully awake yet, knew something was wrong. Shaking his head, he finally managed to process the thought that no pirates are allowed in the dungeons without permission! And those who were found not to have a valid reason, were killed!

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