CHAPTER 11: Ambush

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Raven and Beast boy rushed to the deck and saw that it was empty. No one was on it.

Then, they went to the dinning room and found pirates gathered around the table, all munching happily on various types of meat.

“Ahoy!” said the smiling Captain when they burst in, “We saved ye both a seat! We were worried when ye weren't comin' fer grub! Our Cabin boy's ne'er cooked anythin' this delicious!”

“Where’s George?” Raven asked quickly.

“Th' Cabin boy?” The Captain looked at the rest of the pirates, then frowned, thinking back, “We be nah sure, but he left th' cabin a while ago. Probably t' th' cabins t' do some swabbin'. Some o' our cabins really are gettin' filthy!”

At this, the table burst into laughter.

Raven groaned, was she and Beast boy too late? Could George have already left the ship?

Raven and Beast boy went back out onto the deck. Raven started to fly and Beast boy changed into a sparrow. They flew over the ship, and out to the ocean, circling the area closest to the ship and making the distance they cover wider and wider with each circle.

Finally, they located something small and moving in the waters, about 600 metres from the Red Dagger’s ship. Raven was about to swoop down when Beast boy nipped her ear.

“Oww!” Raven swatted him away angrily. Then, she created a sort of black, floating platform for them both to stand on.

Beast boy morphed back into human form and said, “Don’t. If that’s George, look where’s he headed to.” he then pointed to something in the distance.

Raven’s eyes followed his fingers and could just make out the outline of another ship in the distance!

“Why not just follow him and find out why he’s going towards there.” Beast boy


Raven nodded. For once, he had actually managed to come with a pretty good plan. This way, they can have more answers. And so, the two followed the small moving object as it made its way to the large ship. Raven lowered her flying platform lower and saw, the figure of a small boy on what seems to be a boat. There was no doubt in her mind now, that was definitely George.


Beast boy sighed inwardly. Does George have to row so slowly? He was pretty sure he could row faster.

At least this gave him time to think. So many things have happened since this morning, it wasn’t even nine yet! In fact, it should be around 8.30. Leave it all to Raven to figure this whole mess out. He wondered if she’s been reading Sherlock Holmes lately or something, for she seemed to notice even the tiniest of all details.

After a few more minutes. George had reached the ship. Raven stopped moving the platform and held still, keeping her and him in the shadows where they can still watch George closely.

He now appeared to be looking around for any followers, as his eyes darted about, Beast boy thought they landed on them for just a fraction of a second longer than usual. But when he looked at the other direction, Beast boy sighed silently, it was probably just nerves.

Then, George whistled a short tune loudly.

“George?” a hoarse voice called from the ship.

“Aye. It’s me!” George replied.

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