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While Moria dealt with their problems, they were nothing compared to here on the border. Thousands of immigrants forced to wait for acceptance visas that will surely never come. Me and Lark, were prime examples of the eternal wait as it's now called. We're called the twins, not only because we look alike, but because we also act and think alike. But we're also called the twins because we were both dropped here ten years ago. He was six, and I was two. Not having a family has never really bugged me. I didn't really know them, they were nothing more than figures that rested in the cloudy parts of my memory. Plus I have Lark. He's treated me like a sister since the moment we were abandoned, scavenging for food and shelter, taking care of the both of us until I was able to learn and remember. He still refused to let me out of his sight though, and I can understand why. While I can't remember my family, he can describe his with pinpoint precision. A mother, tall and somewhat weary, but she carried herself with pride. Meticulously styled black hair, and glimmering blue eyes that shine with pride at her children's actions. A father, strong and bold, with a laugh that rang like bells. Golden curls and deep skin. The same green eyes as his wife, though his hinted at a mischievous act that he was planning. Sisters. Both were young but full of life, with their mothers hair and the eyes of both parents. Then there was his baby brother. He didn't know what the child looked like. He just called the boy an angel, because he was named for the archangel of a long forgotten God. He's thinking about them now, I can tell. His eyes always grow misty, but the tears he's so forcefully holding back don't fall over his black lashes, instead they make his sea blue eyes glossy. He never cries in front of me. I'm not strong enough to control my powers, and they're already connected and controlled by my emotions, so for me to be anything but calm and secure could mean mayhem for any who were in my path. I let my mind wander, and subconsciously command a flower to grow. I don't ever know what to expect when I request a flower, it always changes, but it somehow knows why I want it, because a black eyed Susan appears; Larks favorite flower. I pluck it from the ground, and crawl over to Larks sleeping mat, curling my self into his arms. I lay the flower onto his pillow, between us, and smile shyly at him. He pulls me closer and runs his finger along my arm in a swirling motion. T-H-A-N-K-S. He lifts his finger from my arm and cuddles me closer, the way he always does. I'm deaf. A fact we hadn't realized until he tried to train me to scavenge, but one that didn't hinder our relationship. In fact it made it stronger. He worked endlessly to teach me to write, and then to speak. But I still couldn't hear him or anyone else, so he began to write on my forearm. An easy way to communicate. He would write, and I would speak back. I curled my head under his chin, and despite the chill in the border air, I fell asleep.
The sudden vibration in the ground jars me from his sleep. I know this pattern, the raid alarms. And then Lark is shaking me to make sure I'm awake. His fingers skim effortlessly across my arm, writing words I wouldn't otherwise understand. I-T-S T-I-M-E. It's time, it's our chance to cross into the safe haven that is Moria. He'd been working on this plan for weeks. Among the chaos of the raid alarms, the border patrol would be forced to join in the fight, and that's when we would escape to a weak spot he had been creating in the charged metal wall. At night, when everyone was asleep, he would sneak out to the wall, and, using his powers, he would wear away at the thick metal until it had become no more than a flimsy sheet of nearly transparent iron. He grabs my hand, and yanks me toward the hole, forcing the last of the metal to give way under his ability. He pulls me again, this time through the hole, and then after we're through he forces the wall closed once more. A smile crosses his face, and I don't need his writing to understand what he was thinking. We'd done it! We'd finally found a way to cross the border, and enter a land with more opportunities both for our safety, and medical treatment. He leads me forward, to what looks like a hunk of burned metal, but upon closer inspection, it turns out to be an abandoned military Jeep. I know what he wants to do, and he doesn't have to tell me to get into the Jeep. I pry the door open, and strap myself to the fraying material seat, meanwhile he drops into the drivers seat, and creates enough energy to start the car. It whines to life, and he dims the light, turning it into the cracked road, before taking off towards a distant glimmer. Our opportunity. Our chance for a new life, one that's safe and easy. One that lies in the capital city Eden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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