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A/n- enjoy! The updates will be very spread apart so please be patient with me! ENJOY!! *Does Aot salute*

Your pov

Its been about 3 hours since the phone call with Eren, I'm honestly nervous but I don't show it. After I hung up I instantly shut my phone off and walked away from it. Half an hour later, here I am looking at it....... 127 missed calls and 10 voicemails from Eren. I'm not taking anymore calls from him, not after the laughter I heard.
That laughter....... it was so familiar, who was it?? Only my friends know my address, stalker? Who! My frustration grows. I punch a wall and it cracks, I go and sit back down on my bed. I flop down laying on my back staring at the ceiling lost in thought.

Jean's pov

The underground? That place is too rough for my princess, I need to get her out of there! I growl, my mom had died just a week ago, and I just escaped captivity. I'm now leaving Jaeger's house and going to the underground. I dive into an alley as officers walk past. I wait until their gone and I run. I get to the underground and begins to search for y/n's house. I reach it and sees her window.

Levi's pov

Where is she?! I doubt the underground, that place is- wait..... is that kirstein climbing a building? I had been wondering around and unknowingly found myself in the underground. I go over and slings after him and pulls him down pinning him.
"Why the hell are you climbing that building?"

"Because, y/n is up there you creep!" He shoves me off and runs and starts climbing again. I grab him and we start to battle.

Your pov

I hear grunts, growls and shouting and I look out my window. I see...... Levi and Jean fighting. I sigh and grabs my rope and tosses it down, puts on my leather gloves and slides down and kicks them both across the face.

"Both of you stop being sick children!" I glare at both of them.

"OWWWWW" I glare at jean now groaning and holding his face.

"I find that hot n/n~" I sneer at Levi.

"Fuck off" I climb back into my room and pulls the rope in and locks my window.

You belong to me, not him (yandere Levi x yandere reader x yandere jean) Where stories live. Discover now