00. basic information ~ 6/22/18

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g e n e r a l  i n f o r m a t i o n

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g e n e r a l  i n f o r m a t i o n

name ~ Conchblossom
previous names ~ Conchkit, Conchpaw
nicknames ~ those would require friends (I'd call her the manic murdergirl)

reason for name ~ her pelt looks like the patterns on the inside of a pretty conch shell.

age ~ forty-four moons, she is officially the oldest (non-elder, of course) cat in SeaClan.

rank ~ deputy, as she hasn't received her nine lives yet.
previous ranks ~ warrior, apprentice, diver apprentice, kit
future ranks ~ possible queen.
mentor ~ her father, Suntuft, and a diver named Gullsplash.

sexuality ~ Conchblossom is bisexual, but at the moment too far off the deep end to be worried about romance.

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p h y s i c a l  a p p e a r a n c e

simple appearance ~ dilute tortoiseshell with white patches and deep sea-green eyes
detailed appearance ~ wavy-furred dilute tortoiseshell with white patches on her face and chest. She has deep sea green eyes (that stare at everything and peer into the soul lol). She has a lanky but strong build.
scars ~ she initially only had scratches from battles. She now has two large gash-marks along her side, a scar across the upper half of her face, and part of her left ear is missing.

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m e n t a l a n d e m o t i o n a l p a r t i c u l a r

personality ~ Conchblossom, like her deputy, was known for being extremely thoughtful and intelligent. She is a quick witted warrior who is fierce in battle. She is somewhat antisocial, and, when she does talk, she often comes off as strict and controlling despite trying to be nice. She internalizes her emotions because she is afraid of other cats knowing what she is thinking and the idea of someone seeing her depression. Because of this, she is incredibly insecure about what other cats think about her. She wants to be a powerful leader who doesn't let emotions and her own self doubts get in the way of what the clan needs.

She is mildly depressed with bipolar disorder. She attempted to control her extreme bouts of emotion because of this disorder by not showing any emotions at all. She considers that killing Coconutstar was the last straw for her mental health, making her want to be as emotionless and self-controlled as possible.

likes ~ flowers, salty breezes, ocean waves, collecting small shells, the smell of pine needles, Cerithstrike, Sharkshine, and Makopaw.

dislikes ~ sharks, rocks in the ocean, what others think of her, herself, Cherrydust, Coconutstar, and Mangrovestar (sorry everyone who's in this category)

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f a m i l y  t r e e s

parents ~ mother, Snailtail, father, Suntuft

mate ~ none

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r o m a n t i c r e l a t i o n s h i p s

mate ~ none
previous mate ~ none
romantic interests ~ Ottercatcher, Ruffwatcher, Cerithstrike(?)
looking for ~ no

interested in kits ~ unsure

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s k i l l s

(coming soon)

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