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A/N: Surprisingly, I haven't thought of another name for you.


Today's the day your boyfriend, Noah, comes back from their filming for the second season of Stranger Things. You were early in the airport, arriving at two in the morning with a cup of hot chocolate from Starbucks. The cast used to think of it as weird thay you don't drink coffee, but they understood after awhile.

You stood in the middle of the airport, just waiting for them to walk through those glass door right across from you. Of course, there were fangirls all held back by the guards near you. It was a good thing the guards know you are Noah's  famous girlfriend who happened to be a part of a netflix series as well. Though, they needed more reinforcements to hold the fans back 'cause they were trying to get to you as well.

Suddenly, your phone rang from your jean pocket. With another sip on your hot chocolate, you pulled it out of your pocket and answered the call.

You: Hello?

Noah: Hey, beautiful. You there yet?

You: Mhm, just taking my morning choco, actually. Are you near?

Noah: Got a little trouble with the weather, but we should be there in thirty minutes. Sorry, princess.

You: It's cool, Noah. You know, you have a ton of girls waiting here. Better tell the others that you won't be having a nice nap anytime soon.

Noah: Ha ha, very funny. They say hi, by the way.

You didn't notice the girls screaming already, too caught up with your conversation with Noah. With one last sip on your drink, you walked towards the nearby trash bin and threw the cup away.

You: That's just sweet. Tell them I say hi, too

Noah: Why don't you tell them yourself?

You: Then pass the phone, dummy.

Noah: Turn around.

You: Okay?

You were beyond confused, slowly turning around as he said. You were still looking down at the floor, wondering if he's playing with you or not.

You: You better not be pranking me.

"I'm not,"

You froze on your spot, hearing the familiar beep as he hang up on you. Slowly, you looked up from the floor and noticed familiar hazel brown eyes staring down at you. He had a big smile on his face as he tuck his phone in his pocket, fixing his red and black flannel.

The fans screamed louder, yelling your ship name all over again. The others were behind him, recording the scene in front of them using their phones. "Y-you said your flight's delayed." You stuttered, pointing at him as you try to process everything in your head.

In front of you stood your boyfriend, Noah Schnapp. "Awww, no hugs or a kiss?" He pouted, opening his arms for you.

You punched his chest lightly before wrapping your arms around his waist tightly, a few tears slipping down your cheeks as he embrace you with his warmth. He swung the both of you from side-to-side, resting his chin on your head as he chuckle lightly.

"Don't cry, princess. I'm right here." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss on your head. You pulled away from him and wiped your tears away, smiling up at him as he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear.

He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't care if you were in public. Nothing ever mattered to him when he's with you.

Noah eagerly pressed his lips down to yours, his hands snaking around your waist as he pull you closer. You kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down further to you.

After almost thirty seconds of kissing, you pulled away from him and smiled widely. He smiled back, hugging you tightly once more. He rested his chin on your shoulder, missing the familiar scent of strawberries and vanilla.

"Gosh, I missed you so much."

"You have a lot to make up for, Schnapp."

Noah Schnapp ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now