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You at the shopping Center with your best friend Anna. You go to nandos for your dinner, it was 6.00pm and anna got a text from her mam saying

' Anna come home, your brother had fell and broke his leg x'

" Sorry keels I gotta go"

"It's okay Hun, I'll see you on Monday"

You and anna hugged and went opposite ways, you put your ear phones in and started walking home.

You had been walking for about 10 minutes. You were blasting 5sos when suddenly you were slammed into a wall by some unknown person...

You get a better look at the person who has you pinned against the wall.

"Jamie?" You ask

"Keelin I need you back baby"

"Jamie, get off me now"

"Keelins your mine and only mine"

"Get off me! HELP!!!" You scream

*Harrys P.O.V*

I was walking around with Niall, I was just about to text keelin asking if she wanted pizza when I heard a familiar scream...

"Niall, did u hear that"

"Yeah, it's probs just some daft slut that's fell in a pervs trap"

"No I know that scream"

"Yeah, whatever"

"It's Keelin"

We were walking around the back lanes when the scream came agien but louder I saw two shadows up agienst the wall..

"Keelin" I yelled

She looked at me and yelled "harry help me!"

I ran over and shoved the unknown boy off her. I pushed keelin over to Niall who stood next to her. I looked down at the boy it was Jamie!

"You stay away from my sister you little shit"

My fist went straight for his face, it hit his check, he got up and ran away. I turned to keelin who had tear stains down her checks. I opened my arms to her and she ran to me I wrapped my arms around my twin sister she is so little and fragile. I was older than her by 2 hours so I always felt some strange protective feeling over her.


After harry hit Jamie he ran away, I ran into Harry's arms and wrapped my arms around his waist while his were wrapped around my shoulders, I always felt safe around harry. We argue but we always make up. I don't know what I would do with out him.

When me and harry got home, not of our parents were in, like always there always at work!

"Do you want pizza kee"

" yeah and don't call me that haz!"

" sorryyy" he said with loads of sarcasm

Later that night we were watching a film when my phone buzzed it was anna saying

'heyy you haven't text me, hope everything's okay Hun? X'

You replyed saying

'Yeah everything's fine, my phone just died x'

You put your phone away and continued to watch the film with harry, you eyes got heavier and heavier untill everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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