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Jun's POV

I woke up in my apartment with the sun shining in my eyes from outside the window, when I felt warmth on top of me.

And last time I checked I didn't have a dog.

"What th-" I rubbed my eyes and looked down to see Ezri in a deep sleep on my chest. I could feel my ears burning from how close she was. "Did we-oh thank god...." I mumbled looking down to see that we both had clothes on, my clothes to be exact.

I sighed and closed my eyes with a smile on my face. I never understood how one person could change your entire world and make you different.

Now I can see how.

The morning light shined down on her face, leaving it glowing, making her look even more gorgeous than she was.

And her lips. Oh god. I wanted to kiss her right then and there, but I couldn't and I wouldn't. She needed sleep and I wasn't going to make her uncomfortable because I wanted my lips against hers.

"You're so beautiful." I sighed in content, wrapping my arms around the girl that I could finally call mine. I wished I could stay in bed forever but sadly I knew I had to get up for the day. I slowly and carefully tried to move from the bed and the koala that latched onto me, but I heard a whine come from her mouth.

"Don't go."

"Angel I have to." I played with her hair for a moment before kissing her on the head. "You can stay here if you'd like. I'm going to go look for a job today, so get some rest. I'll be back around 1, okay?"

"Please stay."


"Please..." I laughed at how cute she was. "I'm just getting ready right now, I'll be here for about an hour or so, I'm not leaving just yet."

"Mmmm fine." She sighed and put her face into the pillows. I laughed and headed to my bathroom, turning the hot water on and taking my clothes off.

I stepped in the shower letting the hot water landed on my body, letting the aches and pains fade into nothing. "Ah this feels nice." I told myself, humming a tune as the bathroom became a sauna.


After I was done with my shower I put a towel around my waist and dried my hair with a second one; I then left the bathroom and walked to my bedroom. "Wh-"

I forgot Ezri was here.

Play it cool and pretend it doesn't matter, I thought, but my ears said otherwise as she stared at me with a red face.

"Like what you see?" I smirked, still drying my hair with the towel I held. She didn't say anything but her face said it all.

"I guess the cat got your tongue. I'll get dressed so you stop staring, you pervert."

"What!? I am not a pervert!"

"Mmhmm. That's what they all say."

-Time Skip-

"I'll be back by one okay?"


I kissed her head, only to get a pout in return.


"You didn't kiss me."

"What? Angel I just did?" This girl is confusing. "No you didn't." Then it clicked. She wanted me to kiss her on the lips.

"If I kiss you on the lips I won't be leaving anytime soon."

"Exactly, then you won't do anything today."

"Baby the only thing I'd be doing would be you."

"Wh-Why you little!"

I smiled and pulled her in for a kiss.

Ezri's POV

"Wh-Why you little!"

Jun kissed me and at first it was gentle but oh boy he wasn't lying.

It became needy and aggressive as his lips attacked mine. His hands wrapped around my waist, put bodies becoming as close to one another as they could. We let go for air and there was a look in his eyes that I hadn't seen before, but dang was it hot. His lips were red and swollen, saliva sticking to them as he breathed, along with his hair being everywhere.

"I told you. Now, I won't be leaving anytime soon."


And that's how my morning went.

-Time Skip-

I looked at the clock that read 6:00 pm in bright red letters on a nightstand that sat next to the bed. When I looked to my left and didn't see Jun, I panicked. "J-"

On the pillow laid a sticky note.

I still went job hunting if that's what it's even called! I left around 5 so I should be home by 7 or 8 depending on how far out I am. There's pizza and chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge if you want some! Text or call if you need anything.

Love you xoxo

I smiled at the small note and then got up from the bed but fell instantly. "Dear god everything hurts. I should've let him go look for a job." I mumbled and slowly made my way to the fridge to get a drink while limping.

"He's gonna get hit when he comes back. That turd."

Right when I poured the water into my cup a knock was heard from the front door. It couldn't have been Jun. he said he was coming back around 7 or 8. Maybe it was one of his friends?

There's was no hole to see who was outside so I cracked the door open and saw a tall man, well I think it's a man, with all black on and a hood covering his face.

"Can I uh, help you?"

"Where's Wen Junhui." His voice was loud and scary compared to anyone I've ever heard. "He's not here."

Maybe I shouldn't have said that, because the minute I did I was grabbed by two men and I couldn't move.

"Let me go! Stop this right now or I swea-"

"You can't do anything to us darling. You're just bait for the boy. Now listen to us and we'll spare your life. Or maybe not." He exclaimed as the men's grip on my arms and legs tightened.

"Have nice dreams." The man laughed menacingly; I felt a surge of pain hit me and then my body went limp. Before I knew it, all I saw was black.

A/n: okay so I have NOT been updating and I feel terrible about it but yay I made another chapter and fixed the other ones! School is trash and so is my life rn, so I'm gonna try really hard to update even tho I say it all the time and never do. Thank you to those who have stayed around even tho I've been Hiatus for such a long time. I love you guys and I hope your New Years are going great! 💜

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