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The boys screamed as they searched the now demolished building, for their friend. "Jeonghan, THE8, Seungkwan, I want you to go back to base and take what we have with you. Vernon, Woozi, I want you two to go back as well but I'll need you both to take care of Jun's wounds once we get to him."

The 5 boys left the building in a hurry, praying that their friend would be safe.  After hours of pushing debris, getting cut by rocks and metal, getting burned and yelling their lungs out, they found the one they had been looking for.

He laid under debris and dust as fire danced around his limp figure.

His head with a huge gash across the side and bruises everywhere. They could only tell his arm was broken by the way it was hanging.

They weren't sure if he had anything broken internally so they hurried back to the base once they got him out from under the debris and away from the fire. Jun's breathing was becoming softer, as they rode off on their motorcycles, and wasn't as steady as before. The boys knew they didn't have much time as S. Coups held the younger in his arms.

"Please Jun. just a little longer. Don't give up." He mumbled, laying the boy on the bed with tears. "I need you now Woozi. He doesn't have much time."


Dino's POV

I waited outside until Vernon said I could go in. We found out he had been shot in the leg and side, has a broken arm, and 3 broken ribs.

"You can go in now." I got up from my seat without a word and went by Jun's side. "He'll be okay Dino. I promise. He just needs time to heal."

"You want to know something Hyung. You and everyone else sure do make a lot of promises. Promises you can't keep. None of the promises anyone has told me has been kept." I screamed, sobbing as I looked at the floor.

"You promised me we'd find my family. You promised me we wouldn't have to run or hide anymore, you promised me happiness Hyung. I'm not happy." It stayed silent for a long time and I didn't want to hear what he had to say. I just said what was in my heart. What seemed right.

I never wanted this life. I never asked for this life.

"Go to hell Seungcheol."

- Time Skip-

It was around midnight when I get Jun's hand move. "Hyung!" I whisper with a smile. He looked at me, a light smile tugging at his lips, as he runs his hand through my hair.

"Hey buddy. What'd I miss?" His voice was quiet and raspy. His eyes were dropping because he was exhausted from what happened that day. "Nothing. I'm just glad you're awake Hyung. I missed you a lot."

"I missed you too Dino."

I ended up yawning, not noticing how tired I was. "Let's get some sleep. I know you're tired." Jun told me, watching me head to the couch across the room. I knew he was going to be awake for awhile, as he's always up late.

"Good night." I exclaimed, laying down and my eyes closing not too long after.

"Good night Dino."

Jun's POV

It was now Monday and I once again I didn't want to go to school. It was still extremely painful and my wounds hadn't healed at all but I had to get the project to Mr. Woo.

"Good mor-" Mr. Woo looked at me with concerned eyes once I walked in. "Are you okay kiddo?"  He took the project from my hands and sat it on his desk.

"Yeah, just got into a little accident over the weekend..." I told him, rubbing the back of my neck. "Well if you start to not feel well or you're in pain, let me know and you can head on home, okay?"

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