Return To Zarma

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Colonel Olivoph DaEinfuller of the Imperial Information Corps and Personal Librarian to the Emperor stood in the palace courtyard far too long after speaking with Inisro.

Everyone was gone, even the dead body of the Animon Soldier was gone, however his bright purple blood was still on the solid gold altar of sacrifice.

Ollie walked up to the golden altar and put his thumb, index finger, and middle finger of his right hand into the blood puddle. He raised up his three fingers now with little blobs of purple goo.

Ollie once again found himself on the planet Zarma. This was before he lost the left side of his body and went though the agony of regeneration. Ollie had captured two starving Animon soldiers hiding in a trench playing dead, who had been part of a local militia group that had been wiped out the night before defending their village against invading Cumulus troops. There were bodies of Annie (Cumulus slang term for Animons) militia volunteers all over the ground and in the defensive trenches they had constructed.

However, these two Animons survived and were hiding in the trenches waiting for the evil humans to leave, but the evil humans never left.

Instead, more and more humans were entering the pacified area.

Ollie had been informed that his unit was ordered to clean up the area of battle debris and remove all the enemy dead bodies for immediate disintegration.

Ollie had questioned his orders why his unit was given this demeaning task?

The answer was this was an order-do it!

Ollie ordered half of his men to for body removal duty and the other half to keep guard. A portable disintegration machine had been sky dropped in and Ollie's men started carrying dead Animon bodies to an area right next to the disintegration machine forming a pile.

Then four of his men operated the disintegration machine and constantly grabbing bodies out of the ever-growing pile. Two other men began picking up Animon weapons and forming another pile on other side of the disintegration machine. To help speed up the body removal process Ollie too assisted his men. Ollie believed that battlefield officers should never order their men to do something they are not willing to do themselves. That was when Ollie discovered the two very alive Animons lying on their bellies pretending they were dead. They were both unarmed and began to raise their arms up crying in their Annie language. Ollie had the guards escort the prisoners away from the trenches into a shaded area under some trees. The Animons looked scared and exhausted, but they appeared to be unhurt with no signs of wounds or injuries. They did have purple blood stains and dirt all over them with the smell of death permeating from their clothes. Now the Animons started to point to their mouths indicating they were hungry and thirsty. Ollie was just about to order his men to feed the prisoners when some unwelcome company arrived.

The Askari! Two Askari fire teams in wedge formation approached Ollie's position. The Askari were an independent military presence fighting to the death for the Emperor and only the Emperor. This means Askari took orders from their chain of command only, not from any outside military command structure. The team leader for the Lead Team began making fun of the two Animons and then he picked up two alien weapons from the pile of Andromedan Weapons. The first weapon was a standard Animon blazer pistol and the second weapon was an Animon Yagyu, which was the same as the Human Kattari that was used in India 8,500 years ago. The Yagyu is a wide triangular shaped straight blade sword 100cm long with a two parallel bar handle worn on the forearm. The team leader had the Blazer pistol in his left hand and strapped on the Yagyu onto his right hand and arm. Ollie told the team leader to stand down and guide his unit ASAP out of Ollie's field of operations. The team leader shouted back at Ollie,

"No Prisoners!" With the blazer pistol the team leader blasted the head off of one prisoner and with the Yagyu he beheaded the other prisoner. The purple blood from the beheading splattered on Ollie's face.

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