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Jahsehs P.O.V

We talked it out & Jordan said she didn't wanna be near him or see him so we made her sleep with gazzy. He was okay with it he promised he wouldn't do anything weird with her she promised to, we didn't ask them to say that. Jordan & stokeley are still together but they have a little problem, Jordan wants her space.

Ski is sad so is Jordan but Jordan is kind of scared of ski now after what he did to her. She needs her space.

"Get over it vro she'll come back at u" I said patting his back

"What if she doesn't want a baby with me anymore!!??!!??"He said digging his face in his hands

"Vro just give her some time. U left her some dark ass bruises" i said he looked at me dead in the eye

"What!? W-what yo mean !?!?" He asked while his voice got a lil louder with a little crack

"Stokeley Jordan is a sensitive delicate person. U squeezed her arms now she has them bruised bc of how hard u squeezed them" I said he put his elbows to his knees and digged his face in his palms he began to silently cry. Damn. I never really seen my vro cry and it was getting to a nigga.

"i-i f-fucked up X" He said crying it was low-key hurting me bc 1. I never seen him cry 2. I never seen him cry over a girl. She must be important to him. After a while of talking he stopped and went to bed. I went to check on Jordan and she was asleep away from gazzy while he was away from her two. Nigga has a king size bed. I go to my and Angelise room

"Daddy happy u were there for jordan" She said while taking my shirt off

"Can't just let my bestfriend hurt like that" I laughed she nodded and thanked me I laid down she got ontop of me

"Take my virginity daddy" She said kissing my neck. Damn i been waiting so long. I immediately nodded and began to strip off her clothes while she stripped down mine. Then we got into action.

Jordan's P.O.V

I wake up hearing moaning, i wake gazzy up cause he had his arms wrapped around me, I wanted to be with stokeley.

"Hey gazzy" I shook him lightly

"GAZZY"I whispered yelled he woke up and looked at me

"Mmm yes?" He said while he did a stupid funny smile. I laugh 

"Ima go to my room and sleep with stokeley" I said he nodded

"Come back if anything and why is there loud asf moaning?!" He said

"I have no idea but I'll see u tmr" I said hugging him before limpin out his room. The moaning was coming from X room. I laugh

"My bestfriend getting it!!"I whispered to myself I laugh and limp down the hall to my and stokeley's room. I open the door slowly and see stokeley looking up at the ceiling. I slightly smile and slowly get in bed with him. I carefully wrap my arms around him kissing his cheek. He looks at me and smiles big. He kissed me and wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"I-im sorry b-baby i- truly am" He cried. Never in my life have i seen him cry. It broke my heart. I started to cry two and I hugged him

"I-its okay daddy just s-stop crying" I said digging my face in his neck

"N-no it's not i shouldn't of gone that crazy on u" he said I smile and grabbed his chin. I made him face me I kissed his lips and pull away

"Daddy it's okay I forgive u"I laughed kissing him again. He kissed back with so much passion. He pulled away and told me about the bruises

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