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Stokeleys P.O.V

We pulled away & she smiled while wiping her tears away like a baby.

"Thick Ski is the best ski" She giggled

"Guh hush" I smiled rolling my eyes she laughed & hugged me she looked up at me & softly pecked my lips

"Ur lips r so kissable" she squealed as she pecked them mutiply times. I smiled

"I want u all to myself" I said she giggled

"Im already urs & only urs" She said she sat on the sink counter. She wrapped her legs around my waist & grabbed my face making me look at her.  She smiled & pecked my lips. She held me close. She lays her head on my shoulders.

"I love you !" She said

"I love u mor,-" i was caught off by her

"No u don't stfu i love u more" She laughed i giggle & kiss her she kissed me back we pull away & she walks out she gets a pizza & takes a bite into it. She smiles at me & winks. I lay on the bed she puts her pizza back in the box & crawls to me. She crawls ontop of me & lays on me. She washed my face with kisses i just smile.

She pecks my lips. Her mom started calling

"Hey ma wassup ?"

"We are having a picnic with sum family members next week wanted to tell u if u would come & join us?"

"Could stokeley come with me ?"

"Ofc babe hes part of our family" 

i smiled

"I'll Let u know mom"

"Okay hun i love you"

"I love u two ma I'll call u later"

"Ofc hun"



"We have a picnic to go to next week." She giggled i nodded

"Wanna join me ?" She asked i shook my head

"Why ?" She pouted

"Im messin wit u baby girl ofc I'll go" I said she lit up so fast it was adorable.  I pecked her lips.

"Babe stick ur tongue out" She said i sticked it out as she began to lick it & do stuff with it.

* * M I D N I G H T ♡* *

Jordan's P.O.V

We all walked down the halls. The fuck, didn't the lights have to be on ? Those shits were off i was holding stokeleys arm so tight i held him close. Me & The Gang had our phones out with the flash cause these bitch ass lights weren't on. We walk down the long halls & got into a elevator all together.

I didn't let stokeley go at all. We get out the elevator & walk to the beach. Aaliyah the twins & Angvish were all talking but i wasn't talkin to Angelise, that stupid nightmare. i had a flashback i just rub my temples as i sigh & look down while walking. Angelise was close to stokeley while we walked but stokeley didn't pay any mind to her.

I continued to look at the ground.

"U good babygirl ?" Stokes asked i just nodded while still lookin down

"Nah babygirl u aint wassup?" He asked as he gently pushed Angelise i giggle & looked at him

"Bend down" I said he nodded & bend down

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