'Tis a story of thy ages in which you and your good old comrade Jibooty *attempt* to have a grand old time by doing all sorts of silly things! *Chuckles* haAhAHaha! Sounds like funnnn! And trust thyself, it was fun indeed!...Until Rap Nunster AKA Nunjoon puts a stop to your madness! Rap Nunster is the neighborhood nun, and will not stand for anything that isn't peeling lemons while listening to classical Russian tunes! OhHoHo! Rap Nunster decideds to take you and Jibooty in as hostages in order to teach ya a thing or two!
(when I say daily updates, I mean short and silly chapters DAILY)
Thy Gasm!
Umorismo'Tis a story of thy ages in which you and your good old comrade Jibooty *attempt* to have a grand old time by doing all sorts of silly things! *Chuckles* haAhAHaha! Sounds like funnnn! And trust thyself, it was fun indeed!...Until Rap Nunster AKA Nu...