Chapter 1: The Entrance

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3rd Person POV

Lance is walking through the halls of the castle. Trying to stay calm after being yelled at by the team.


"Lance you can't keep doing this. You keep putting the team in danger which will soon get us all killed!" Allura yells at Lance. "Allura is right Lance you need to start acting like a paladin of Voltron and not goofing off." Shiro says disappointed in him. "Lance one of these days you're going to get us killed." Pidge said clearly mad. "Lance when will you ever stop goofing off and flirting with every girl you meet." Keith said really pissed off. Lance then walks away with his head down as he leaves the room.

Flashback Over

Lance's POV

"Can't they see that I'm trying my best. It like all they focus on is the bad stuff I do and not the good ones" I keep walking until I realized that I'm in an unknown part of the castle that I have never seen before. "Wait where am I at right now this all doesn't seem familiar to me at all." I take a look around until something catches my eye. 

"I have never seen this door before hmm I wonder where it leads to" I walk up to the door and push it open but all I see is darkness

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"I have never seen this door before hmm I wonder where it leads to" I walk up to the door and push it open but all I see is darkness. I start to walk inside to see if there was a light switch or something so I can see what is inside this room. But as soon as I was at least a couple of feet inside the room the door slammed shut on me. I try to open the door but it wouldn't budge at all. Then a bright light blinded me. "What is happening right now?!" I soon feel my body being taken somewhere else. Then everything turns to darkness.

To Be Continued.....


That it for this chapter let me know what you guys think and try to remember that it is my first time writing something like this. Oh, and I will try to update as often as I can. Well until next time. Bye!   

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