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adore/dannys POV
i wake up crying from a nightmare i had and i run into the guest bedroom "danny? are you okay?" roy says once he sees me "willow im scared. i had a nightmare that shane broke in and you werent here and-" i say getting all flustered. he gets up and pulls me into a hug and taking me back to his bedroom "ill stay with you" he says and i continue hugging him crying into his shoudlers. we sit in bed "what if he comes back when you arent here?" i say "im going to make sure he is found and put in prison chola you dont need to worry" he says "im here you are okay" he say rocking me until i fall asleep, i feel him play with my hair for a while before he falls asleep aswell.

bianca/roys POV
i wake up early next to danny, what? am i dreaming? hallucinating? i think for a while the i remember about him having a nightmare. i feel so guilty, if i hadnt have cheated on him with shane we'd be together-happy, he wouldn't have been stabbed and he wouldnt be having nightmares and paranoia. i'm the reason danny got stabbed. im the reason danny got stabbed. im the reason danny got stabbed. i suddenly feel the urge to throw up. i get up and sprint into the bathroom throwing up in the toilet, fuck its all my fault i feel awful. i need to make it up to him some how, i could buy him some dresses and wigs and makeup? i could buy him lots of pizza? i could.. fuck i'll just do it all. anything he asks ill do.

i hear shuffling and danny quickly walks into the bathroom, "i heard you throwing up are you sick?" he asks looking concerned. i shake my head 'no' and i get up and pull him into the tightest hug ever "im so sorry" i say and i start sobbing into his shoulder "willow its fine, im okay" he tells me stroking through my hair to calm me down. "shanes the one who stabbed me. yes, you cheated but how could anyone think that would lead to me getting stabbed?" he says i pull away from the hug "thank you.. but i don't get it. why don't you hate me? after all ive done?" i ask feeling very confused. "because.. because you are still my best friend, we just arent fucking anymore. i could never hate you" he says with a small smile. i smile back weakly before going to make breakfast-pancakes at danny's request. i dont deserve him in my life.

i spend all day making sure danny is happy, getting him anything he wants and ordering lots of make up and wigs to surprise him. whenever i found time to sneak away i worked on sewing him a dress. i love sewing but i love it even more knowing that its for danny.

around a week goes by and danny now sleeps in my bed 5/7 of the days because he still has frequent nightmares. all of his presents have arrived and ive finished making his dress. i can't wait to give him them, ive planned a whole day to show him how sorry i am and how important he is to me. he will always be the love of my life, even if he doesn't trust me enough to ever be with me again

this is the dress and the wig and makeup is the white dress, pink wig & makeup adore is wearing in the 27 club music video (its cinematic art iknow)

its nighttime and danny is in his own bed, i sneak down stairs and wrap everything up making it look as cute and pretty as possible. i hang fairy lights around and scatter pink rose petals across them. i then go up to bed and go to sleep, i have so much planned for tomorrow i cant wait to see dannys face. hes like a little kid when something excites him and thats one of my favourite things about him. he finds joy and beauty in everything and everyone and its beautiful. i think alot about tomorrow and before i realise im dozing off to sleep.


bianca/roys POV
i wake up to my alarm at 7.00am and immediately go down stairs to start making waffles, bacon and eggs. once they are done i go upstairs to get danny. he looks so peaceful but i need to wake him now if i want today to run smoothly. i gently shake him "chola?" i say and he slowly opens his eyes "whaaaaat" he asks "ive made breakfast, come eat" i order and he quickly shoots up and follows me into the kitchen and starts eating. once hes finished i start grinning like crazy "what?" he asks chuckling "come with me" i ask and he takes my hand and i lead him into the front room, his face lights up and he turns to hug me immediately "why did you do this?" he asks squeezing me "because you deserve it chola" i say softly, he smiles before opening his presents, he love severything ESPECIALLY the dress. when i told him i made it he squealed so incredibly loud. "one last present" i say before going into the back room, danny stays sat on ethe floor and i come back in carrying a box, i hand him it carefully and he opens it. out jumps a kitten and danny screams in excitement like a little kid "holy fuck roy!" he yells hugging the kitten "what you gonna call him?" i ask "BUFFY!" he yells "ok ok" i say laughing. "now come on, we need to get into drag so we can get on with everything i have planned for today" i tell him, he immediately looks worried-he hasnt been in drag since the accident "you're gonna look great chola" i tell him and we both quickly run upstairs to start getting ready. once hes started getting into drag i can see the worry fade and the excitement build back up in his face.

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