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adore/dannys POV
roy and i have been back together for three weeks now and everything is going great, shane finally hot caught and his hearing is in a few days. as happy as i am with everything in my life right now people are becoming suspicious of mine and roys relationship and its making me incredibly stressed. "what do you wanna do today?"roy asks stroking my arm as we both wake up, my head resting in his chest "nothing" i say with an added sigh "whats the matter?" he asks "i just.. no its nothing, lets watch TV" i say changing the subject, as roy goes to say something i interrupt "waynes world??" i suggest flicking through the movies, roy grabs the remote and turns the TV off "hey!! i was watching th-" i say, my voice going high pitched as i say 'hey' "we can watch tv when you tell me whats the matter" roy tells me "i-i think we should tell people" i confess "wha-what?" roy says doing a double take "people are getting really suspicious and with shanes hearing coming up i!... i just could use you by my side..." i continue "danny..." roy says concerned "roy please" i beg "danny i just dont think that would be a good idea" roy tells me "why not?" i ask getting slightly annoyed "just with the situation and the condition you're in-you arent 100% better yet people will think im taking advantage of you and i can hardly hold your hand out in front of everyone" he says "why not?? are you embarrassed of me?" i ask feeling my eyes well up "no! danny of course not i just dont think it would be a very smart move to be back together infront of shane" he tells me trying to be reassuring but its just having the opposite effect "it feels like you're just embarrassed" i tell him honestly feeling tears release from the corner of my eye, he sighs "you don't embarrass me i just dont think people would be very excepting to find out we got back together" he tells and i just look at the ground, he cups my cheeks in his hands "danny you know i love you more than anything" and he wipes the tear off my face gently with his thumb "since when did you care what other people say?" i ask trying not to melt at his touch "i dont, but i know how sensitive you are. and when you're sad or hurt, so am i. just like when you're happy, im happy" he tells me, still gently grasping my face "well i am sad. roy i need you, i wont be able to do it otherwise." i tell "why do you care this much?" he aks "because im scared roy!" he says raising his voice pulling away and emphasising the scared. "danny im sorry i just-" roy begins "will you think about it?! at least, just think about it!" i ask, practically begging. "but dont take too long, i cant ask my mom to come on too short notice." i tell him "your mom would kick my ass for all this wouldnt she?" roy asks half joking "yes. yes she would, so would my brothers" i reply completely serious and dead pan before walking off to my room. i just need him. as soon as my head hit the pillow i fell asleep, i guess the stress is tiring.

i wake up to roy playing with my hair with one hand and gently stroking my cheek with the other "roy?" i say confused as i thought we were sort of arguing, "i thought about it" he tells me and i take a deep breath in preparing for another argument "and?" i eventually ask "if its really what you want..we can tell people" he tells me, i squeal and throw my arms around his neck "thank you baby!!" i say high pitched and i shower kisses all other his face "alright alright calm down, im only saying yes because im scared of bonnie and your brothers beating me up" roy jokes all though there probably is a hint of truth to it, i giggle before relaxing in his lap "we dont have to make a big scene or deal about it, we just dont hide it and people will realise" i tell him hoping that makes him a little more comfortable "thank you love" he tells me appreciating the gesture "lets go get pizza?" i ask all though its more of a statement "okay come on then" roy says sliding from under me causing me to fall onto my back "hey!" i shout but he just grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door "car or walk?" he asks "uhmmmm, walk?" i decide "okay then" he replies and i grab a hold of his hand as we begin walking down the street, he tense up and then eventually relaxes and we start swinging our arms slightly, "i love you roy" i tell him "i know, i love you too" he says earning a cheesy grin from me and he begins rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

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