Percy Discovers Facebook

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Percy Jackson has updated his status



Annabeth Chase:Wow,Percy even Hazel got a Facebook before you and she didn't even know what Facebook was until Frank told her.

Hazel Levesque:True.

Percy:Well excuse me. Leo never told me that his dad hacked the satellite so that monsters couldn't track us down. How come he told all of you?

Annabeth Chase:LEO!

Leo Valdez:What?

Annabeth Chase:Why didn't you tell Percy that we were allowed to use the computer now?

Leo Valdez:*nervous laugh*Umm,I forgot.

Annabeth Chase:If you don't want me to know your lying don't type nervous laugh. Now tell me the truth.

Leo:Fine,I wanted to be the coolest one on Facebook so I didn't tell Percy.

Percy Jackson:I don't know whether to thank you or punch you.

Leo Valdez:You should thank me.

Frank Zhang:If Leo didn't tell you that you could use your computer then who did?

Percy Jackson:I found out when I saw Chiron playing some horse game on his computer and asked him how he was able to use his computer.

Frank Zhang:Oh.

Annabeth Chase:With me on Facebook your never going to be the cool one,Leo.

Leo Valdez:Nerds aren't cool.

Annabeth Chase:Are you calling me a nerd?

Leo Valdez:Umm,let me think about it.YES!

Annabeth Chase:Valdez I'm going to kill you!

Annabeth Chase has logged off

Jason Grace:Dude,run! When I accidentally almost killed Percy because of an eidolon I was in the infirmary for months!

Annabeth Chase:*knocks on door of Hephaestus cabin*

Leo Valdez:Who is it?

Annabeth Chase:Read your computer stupid.

Leo Valdez:Uh-oh!

Leo Valdez has logged off


Hey guys nomo333 here! I know this is a short chapter but it's only the first chapter too. I thought you should know that starting in the next chapter I will be giving a shoutout to who ever votes,comments,fans,or follows. Remember to read my other book which is called The Kanes Do Truth Or Dare. Nomo333 out.

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