Soccer Match

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Third Person POV

Currently, the class were having there PE class. They were in the field, they were going to play volleyball and soccer apparently. Their teacher had assigned the girls for volleyball and the boys for soccer, each gender were split into two groups.

"Heh! I'm pretty good in soccer. I'm the captain of the soccer team. The group that gets me is going to have an easy win." A boy with brown hair and a slightly tanned skin brags.

All the boys besides Boboiboy groans, Boboiboy was confused.

"Hey Gopal, What's with him?" Boboiboy asks.

"Him? You mean Kean? Uh! Don't get me started! He always brags that he's the best soccer player in the class! And sadly he is! Even worse, he keeps flirting with Yaya!" Gopal said.

"Do you like Yaya?" Boboiboy asks

"What? no! I'm into somebody else!"

"Really? Huh..."

Gopal glares at him, then turns his attention back to the teacher. Doing the same thing, Boboiboy places his attention back to the teacher.

"Alright Group 1 and 2, you can choose your team captain now. I'll be telling the girls to watch." The teacher told them.

With that, the teacher was approaching the girls who were currently talking to each other. The boys entered the playing field, Gopal frowns.

"We're going to lose Boboiboy! Kean is in the enemy group!" Gopal whines.

"Hey, Kean is only one dude! Stay positive! I'm sure we can beat him!" Boboiboy encouraged.

The other boys in their group nod in agreement, whispering how encouraging and nice Boboiboy is.

"Huh? Beat me!? In your dreams!" Kean said.

Boboiboy rolls his eyes and ignores him. This made Kean fume with anger, he was furious.

"Just because your more popular than me! Doesn't mean you can beat me in soccer!" Kean spats.

Boboiboy snickers, "Well, I bet I can beat you."

All the boys around them besides Fang gasp, Fang was watching them. Curious on how this entertaining show would end.

Kean growls, "We'll see about that!"

Stomping away, Kean told his team to prepare. This made the boys in Boboiboy's group glare at Boboiboy.

"Dude, do you know who you just challenged?! He'll show no mercy!" One of the boys said.

"Come on, let's go." Boboiboy walks away. His group mates was shocked, but they all knew that their group would lose. Because, no matter how good Boboiboy was; there was no way he could beat Kean. Or so they thought.

As the girls in their class sit down on the benches, they had signs. Written in the signs were 'Go Boboiboy!' And 'Go Fang'. But sadly, Fang wasn't going to play. He had never had interest in soccer, only in basketball. As he sat down on the benches, he sees Ying and Yaya sitting on the most upper benches. Fang smirks, he silently sat next to them.

"Hey" Fang greeted the two girls.

The two look at him, then Ying spoke up. "You aren't playing?"

Fang nods, while examining Ying features.

"Seriously? What were the use of those signs then?" Ying asks

"I don't know, I guess its useless now."

Rolling her eyes, she turns her attention back to the game. Suddenly the referee shouts, "8-0!"

Everyone's eyes widen, Kean's group hasn't scored yet. This was a surprise to everyone, especially Kean.

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