Chapter IX

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Erin what the hell do you think you're doing?!  as of right now my thoughts were speaking in my mother's voice as I watched Christian's mother to make her way back into the house and set off myself through the woods after Christian.  Running away from the asylum's bounty hunters my mental patient answered.  Exactly what I was running from I had no idea, but I knew that I was running to danger.  Probably vampires.  Maybe death.  I was running to Christian, my love I was determined to protect him.  

Speaking of protecting people, I smashed my phone before setting off.  I knew that my family was bound to call eventually.  I knew they weren't exactly what you'd call geniuses, but they were still parents.  They would call.  And if they called at the wrong time and I picked up.....I didn't want them dead or turned or anything else that whoever was chasing Christian could do to them.  I left he shards of what used to be my phone in the yard of Hollie's house.  They would most likely find it.  And when my parents told them I was missing, they would probably put two and two together and figure out where I went.  They weren't stupid, they would know.  But there would be nothing they could do about it. 

I followed Christian for two whole weeks.  Luckily for me, I packed a lot of food and alot of books.  Every day, I walked behind him on cat's feet, jumping behind trees whenever he looked around.  Twice I saw him "vamp out".  Disturbing as it was, I knew it was coming, so I didn't faint.  On the first day of the third week is when he saw me.

I shifted in my sleep, cracking a twig.  The snap! rang throughout the forest, I woke and sat up straight, startled.  Unluckily for me, so did he.

"Erin" he moaned "What did you do?"

Surprisingly calm, I smiled. "Followed you."

"But-but how?!"

I laughed, remembering how crazy I was. "I camped out behind your house."

He slapped a hand to his forehead.  "You didn't."

I nodded, still smiling.  "I did." I replied, pleasantly "I was pretty pissed after you left.  I was without answers again, so I did something pretty desperate.  After beating the shit out of my pillow." I added.

"Erin, I can't believe you." he said, but I noticed there was an amused little smile playing on his lips "I had no idea I fell in love with a stalker."

 "I had no idea I was an insane convict in an asylum." I replied.

He narrowed his eyes.  Now he looked seriously creeped out "What?"

"Never mind" I said hastily.

Shaking his head in amazement, Christian said "But really, Erin, you need to go home."

I smliled wider.  I supposed I now looked the part of the escaped mental patient, too.  "You can't make me." yes, I knew how childish that sounded.

"Really?  I think I can."  he replied.

"I don't even know how to get home." I said "And you don't either, do you?"

He frowned.  "Well, I didn't think you were going to be following me!" Christian said defensively.

I chuckled.  I was determined to make this as painful for him as possible.  "So you don't know the way home?"


"So I guess I'll have to stay."

"I guess you'll just have to stay with me on my highway to hell.  But can I ask a question?"

"I got the time if you got the money, honey."

He rolled his eyes.  "Why did you follow me?"

My grin disappeared.  "I thought that was obvious."

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