Chapter Three

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I stood shocked, almost losing grip of my can. Was Ashton just taking the piss? Or was he being serious? Confused, I slowly stepped along the wooden floor leading up to the back door. I looked down at my light coloured sandals as I walked past Ashton, too scared to look at him. He was so sweet, why the sudden change of attitude towards me?

I must have had a strange look on my face as I sat myself back in my seat because Luke turned to face me, whispering 'Are you okay Lotts?' I nodded, flashing a quick grin before engaging in conversation with him. I couldn't pay much attention to him, my mind was too focused on what had just happened. I just nodded and agreed whenever I thought was necessary as he spoke deeply to the other boys. I sort of zoned out after a while, debating with myself on whether Ashton was joking or just being sweet.

I was brought back to the real world as I heard somebody asking me a question.

'So Lottie, any special men in your life at the moment?' called Liam, who was slouched down in his seat comfortably.

I laughed embarrassedly, shaking my head as I did so. I looked up, seeing that Ashton was yet again studying my face with his lips curled up slightly.

'That's good, that means I can finally ask you out!' winked Niall, as I grinned at him.

'Hands off my sister, leprechaun,' said Cal, patting Niall's shoulder as he sat laughing at himself.

'No you couldn't do that to Ash, could ya?' chucked Luke as Ash's face dropped suddenly.

Luke immediately clapped his hands over his mouth as I glared at him with confused eyes. I looked over at Ashton, who held his face in the palms of his hands. I could see through the gaps of his fingers that his face was glowing red with embarrassment.

'You..Wait..Ash..You..' stuttered Calum, clearly as surprised as I was myself. Ashton lifted his head to Calum, his face still an luminous red. He gave a tiny nod, before getting up and excusing himself.

My eyes skimmed each of the boys' faces, each one glaring at Luke with angry eyes.

'What did you say that for?'

'You knew he didn't want anybody else to know.'

'What if you two fall out, the band won't be able to cope with the arguments and if one of you leaves.. Well then it's the end.'

My eyes then trailed to Luke, whose eyes were brimming with guilt and regret. He looked so upset, but didn't look as if he was about to cry. My face was burning as everybody either eyed Luke or myself. I felt terrible for both Luke and Ash. But at least I now knew he felt the same.

Calum sat there, silent and staring at Ashton's chair, eyes filled with confusion and anger. He got up after a long silence, walking around the chairs, still absolutely silent.

'I'm just going to have a chat with Irwin,' muttered Calum, so quiet I almost didn't hear him. I got up swiftly, grabbing Calum's shoulder as he turned to go inside Harry's house. He was either going to punch him or kill him.

'No Cal, it's okay, I'll go and check on him. You can talk to him afterwards.' I regretted my words as soon as they came out of my mouth. I cringed as Calum turned back to his seat. I looked away from everybody, taking a deep breath as I fought back the tears. Why was I so scared of approaching Ashton?

I searched the downstairs of the house, his presence no where to be seen. I trudged along each step as I calmly trod up the stairs. No tears had managed to overflow from my eyes, as I stepped into the doorway of each room, where I still couldn't find Ashton. I stood in the doorway of Harry's smallest spare bedroom, where I finally found Ashton lying on the neatly spread bed covers, staring at the plain wall. I stepped in further, placing my phone and bag onto the desk and pulling out the computer chair which sat underneath it. Ashton turned over at the noise, looking at me with a blank expression.

'You okay Ash?'

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