Chapter 3 Two Years Later

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   The snow was falling in thick sheets outside as I cradled a small, round body in my arms. “Da. Da. Da,” mumbled the infant.

    I couldn’t help the bright smile that tugged at my lips as I rocked Lilly in my arms. She was so tiny. Nearly eight months passed since she became mine, but it only took a few seconds for me to fall completely and unfathomably in love with her. She finally began to put syllables together, and I loved to hear her high voice call to me no matter how many times she said it without a pause or with concern at the time of night.

    “Shh, sleep,” I cooed, rocking her in my arms. My sister shone all over Lilly’s calm, chubby face. Lauren passed away while giving birth to her child, and the father was nowhere to be found. My mother offered to take Lilly in, but I knew that she didn’t want to raise another child, so I got my shit together and adopted Lilly.

    I was going to miss my sister, but I sent her a mental thank you for leaving me such a perfect piece of life.

    Brushing Lilly’s fine, blonde hair with a finger, I watched as she pulled her tiny thumb into her mouth. Her blue eyes closed slowly as she nodded off to sleep, and I stared down at her with a smile at how my life turned. I was twenty-five-years-old and raising a child on my own while working as an editor at a local newspaper.  I couldn’t complain because at this very moment, I was beyond happy with my life.

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