Chapter 10 The Boy Who Broke My Heart and The Man He Turned Into

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There are adult themes in this part, so you have been warned. (:


    I changed with haste, blinking a few times to shake the Kendall’s glorious image from my mind. It was a fruitless attempt, but it still felt wrong to have these feelings reemerge.

    I pulled my shirt over my head and studied myself in the mirror. I managed to stay relatively fit by jogging every morning before work. With a sigh, I ruffled my hair to give me more of a “oh, I just changed and look sexy” look, but fell short. I ended up looking like I had messed up hair.

    Blowing out a frustrated breath, I walked barefooted through Kendall’s house. Once back outside, I found Kendall swimming in the water with Lilly. She was splashing him playfully while they both laughed.

    I noticed that every once in awhile, Kendall’s smile would falter slightly as eye eyed the dancing, silver bell around Lilly’s neck. I wasn’t quite sure why I smiled, but I did. Maybe it was because I knew that Kendall genuinely felt bad for leaving me all those years ago, or maybe it was because Kendall just seemed to naturally be fatherly. The way he acted around Lilly made it seem like he already raised a child of his own.

    “Dad,” Lilly yelled from the pull, snapping my attention to her. “Come on it!”

    I couldn’t help the smile that crept on my lips as Kendall turned his eyes up to me. I didn’t smile because he was looking at me; I was smiling because, even through all these years, I was still able to snag his attention. It was a powerful feeling. “I’m on my way!” I said as I ran in and jumped into the pool, deliberately splashing both Kendall and Lilly.

    The three of us splashed around and swam until the sun finally started to descend. Eventually, we all showed signs of growing exhaustion. Lilly resorted to floating on her back as I sat on the steps that led to the shallow end of the pool. Kendall waded through the water and stopped in front of me.

    Slowly, he placed a hand on my knee; his touch sent a shiver of delight through my body. “I really am happy you decided to come.”

    “Me too,” I said truthfully, staring into his shining eyes.

    We said nothing for awhile as Kendall stepped closer, choosing to sit beside me. Still locking his eyes on mine, he half smiled and opened his mouth to speak, but Lilly was the one to break the silence.

    “I’m kinda tired, Dad.”

    I blinked twice then turned to face Lilly. “Let’s get you dried off then.” Lilly and I climbed out of the pool; Kendall followed behind us.

    “Aren’t you hungry, Lilly?” Kendall asked as I began blotting away the excess water from Lilly’s little body.

    Lilly put her finger to her chin. “Not unless you have Twizzlers!”

    Kendall laughed and turned to me. “I just may have some. Is that ok?”

    “Please, Dad?” Lilly batted her beautiful blue eyes up at me.

    Wrinkling my nose, I said, “Not tonight, Eel. It’s a little late for candy.”

    “Ok, Dad,” she said simply. “Where am I sleeping tonight?”

    “Well, you can stay in my room, or you can have your own room,” Kendall said as he began drying off.

    Something flashed through Lilly’s eyes as she wiped a few strands of her hair that stuck to her face back on top of her head. “I would like my own room, please.”

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