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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, HoO or Rapunzel. I do not own these characters.

If you have a dream, chase it...you might just end up in a fairy-tale.

Annabeth's POV

Birds chirp outside the tower. Snuggling deeper underneath my covers, I hear the booming, massive waterfall on the cliff's wall. My name is Annabeth Chase, and I live with my mother, Helen. Mother says that the outside world is a treacherous place. That is why we live in a tall tower, in this meadow with wall-cliffs surrounding us. I've seen Mother leave for food and her day trips, through the little green vines, but I myself have never left this tower. And I don't want to, I've got all the books I want right here. The birds chirp even louder, and I huff, time to get up.

A noise comes from behind me, on the bed. I look to see my Chameleon, Pascal, looking at me grumpily like it's too early. I laugh, "You can stay in bed if you want, Pascal. But you won't get any of my famous eggs that I'm going to cook." That awakes him.

"Annabeth! Oh, there you are, I am running to town for the day," Mother greets me, as I step out of my room.

I smile, "Bring me back some more apples?" I ask hopefully.

Helen nods, "Did you have a good sleep dear?"

Yes. My dreams have been filled with running through a kingdom that looks oddly familiar, with a boy. He had jet black hair and beautiful sea-green eyes. "It was okay," I shrug, deciding not to tell her, she wouldn't like that I dreamed about the outside world.

Mother pats me on my head before going down the stairs, me following. My long blonde hair follows, and I have to stop a few times to detangle it from the railing. We both walk to the window and as Helen prepares her basket for travel, I hook my hair up on the roof of the window. She walks over to the window and pushes herself up on the ledge. Kissing my forehead, Helen climbs onto my dangling hair and I lower her down the side of the tower. When she's gone through the exit, I turn back to the tower, humming. As I hum my special song, my hair lights up. Ever since I was little, it's had healing powers; but if I cut a piece off, it loses its power and turns curly, staying blonde though.

"Blssss," Pascal comments. You need to brush your hair.

"I know, I know. Let me do some of my daily chores first," I wave him off.

In an hour's time, I sweep the whole floor, dust, polish, bake and do laundry. I sigh, walking to the oven to pull out some afternoon pie, Pascal watching me from the window ledge. Slicing the pie in bits, I take a plate, an architecture book about buildings around the world, which I hid from Mother and sit down on the window ledge. You'd think that I'd be scared to be sitting on a ledge so high up, but to be honest, I've been doing this since I remember. My whole life, I laugh to myself, I have only looked out this window. I can only reach my hand so far into the outside world until I have to pull it back. As scary as the outside world is, I can't help but feel curiosity taking me over. There's also one night, one night when lights fill the sky, accompanying the stars. That one night, strange enough, is on my birthday. Oh, how I wish I could see them up close.

Pascal looks at me critically, as if knowing what I'm thinking. To be fair, he probably does. "Blssss." If you want to go outside, go.

I shake my head. "I can't. It's too dangerous." Pascale just blinks at me. "Mother would be furious, I would break her heart!" I exclaim.

Pascal rolls his eyes. Ask her again, she has to let you go at some point.

"I-uh-ugh. Okay fine, I'll ask her," I groan. I always ask her every year, and every year she would say no. Why would this time be any different?

I look out into the sky, the afternoon sun shining down on me. Closing my eyes, I ask the question that is on my mind every day; when will my life begin?

Percy's POV

My footsteps pound the ground as I look clumsily behind me. Look, I didn't mean to be the biggest criminal in the kingdom. I was buying some apples for mom because she's starting to court this guy named Paul, and I saw these two boys running past people and towards me. That is when I saw it. The long-lost princess's crown. Gripped in their dirty hands. I slid my foot out to trip them and they accidentally threw the crown up into the air. I caught it. Authorities came, and I was wearing a proud smile that I stopped them. Ready to be congratulated, they pointed their spears at me. I then froze, they thought I was the criminal.

So, I ran. But I forgot one thing. I still had the crown, I meant to drop it and run. I slipped it into my satchel and ran out of the kingdom and into the forest. I will somehow get it back but figuring out how to explain the whole mess to everyone won't be that easy. I just need somewhere to hide for the night and to think. Then I'll go back. I mean, I can't live without my mother's blue cookies for more two days.

Getting tired, I slow into a jog and look for a place to stay. Nothing. So, I climb a tree and camp out up there. I'm so tired, I fall asleep right away, maybe I'll have to stay another night since I didn't get to think during this one. Just when my life starts to begin, something always goes wrong.

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