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What makes life valuable

Is it doesn't last forever

What makes it precious

Is that it ends

Annabeth's POV:

Shoving her away, leaving her stumbling backward, I collapse to the floor. "Annabeth!" I hear Percy scream, coming running towards me. My side begins to feel numb, and I smile slightly to myself as Percy cradles me in his arms. His eyebrows scrunch up in worry and I can feel his hands shaking underneath me. "Annabeth, no, you'll be okay, you will be okay."

"Percy," I begin, but he cuts me off.

"Don't, Annabeth," He stammers. That's when I see Helen and Luke coming closer to us. Percy notices this too and shouts, blocking me from them with his arms, "Don't you dare touch her!" He grabs a shard of glass and throws it expertly into Ethan's arm and he bolts to the secret staircase. Luke just stands aside, watching in shock, his face growing green. Helen storms towards us and Percy looks down at my face, before swiping behind my head. It takes me a moment to realize that he cut my hair.

"NO!" Helen screams, her voice becoming shaky as I watch her age a hundred years. She grabs a mirror piece and looks into it, beginning to walk backward in horror. Pascal stands at the edge of the window and pulls my hair across, tripping Helen. As she disappears out of sight, I begin to struggle to breathe. Percy sees and pulls me closer to him, his eyes gazing desperately around the room.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening," He murmurs frantically, his breathing becoming rapid.

Reaching up, I touch his face, brushing a stray hair aside. "Percy," I say again. This time, I gain his attention. "You were never a thief of the crown, but the thief to my heart." I feel tears begin to slide down my cheeks, as I gaze into his puffy, tear-filled eyes.

"And you were mine," He chokes.

Pursing my lips, I feel death taking me, the sensation of relaxing and the ever so slightly fading of the darkness. I clutch at his hands, as he shouts for help. "Percy," I whisper. He looks into my eyes and we both admit our fate sadly.

I don't want to die unhappy. I can't bear having the last thing I see is his troubled face. I want to see that goofy, lopsided smile that I fell in love with every day. Squeezing his hands, I feel his tears dripping onto my face, and begin to sing the song that I have known my entire life.

Heal what has been hurt

He begins to sing with me, our voices filling the sunken room.

Change the fate's design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

"I...love...yo-you," I croak, smiling faintly. Then I lean my head back and look up into the starry ceiling as light consumes me.

Percy's POV:

"Annabeth," I say, shaking her gently. Her eyes remain looking up, her breathing slowing and becoming shallow. My heart begins to pound heavily in my ears, "Annabeth. Hey. Annabeth, please. Don't go. Don't leave me," I plead, my voice cracking. "Stay with me, stay with me."

That's when I feel her body go limp, her head rolling to the side and eyes glazing over as if stuck in a dream. "No, no, no. Hey. Annabeth. Stay with me, stay with me, stay with me, stay with me. You will be okay...ANNABETH," I sob, losing all control.

The sound of water rushes into the room, and I see that all the pipes in the tower have burst, and the water from the waterfall behind the tower comes crashing in, surrounding us. I hoist Annabeth further into my arms, as water soaks her beautiful blonde hair.

I begin to cry. Yes, I, Percy Jackson, am crying. I thought that before when I thought I was protecting Annabeth broke my heart. But now I know that losing her fully is what actual heartbreak feels like. I would rather her be alive and hate me, than dead and love me. Sobs rack my body as I look up to her paintings of stars on the ceiling. I sit there in utter silence, tears sliding down my cheeks from my puffy sea-green eyes.

With trembling fingers, I close Annabeth's eyelids, shutting her stormy gray eyes for the last time.

Then a light show's itself...

Annabeth's POV:

I drift, in light, feeling weightless as a feather. However, I know I'm not dead yet, I can't see, and I can't feel a thing. I wouldn't think I could hear anything either if it wasn't for the faint whispers over the clear waters in this lit space. They become more persistent and panicked.

No, no, no. Hey. Annabeth. Stay with me, stay with me, stay with me, stay with me. You will be okay...Annabeth...

Then it's gone. And all I can do is look up into vast, endless light wondering. Wondering why I lived my whole life in a tower, never rebelling, never questioning it, never leaving...never living. I only really started to become alive when I met Percy.


Please don't murder me. To be completely honest, as sad as this was to write, I enjoyed it so much! Have a nice night or day wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

Disclaimer: I do not own the PJO or HoO series. I do not own Rapunzel or these characters. 

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