Chapter 30: Live While We're Young

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X N a t a l i e x

The next morning we were at the bus parking spot getting settled back in the tour bus.We said goodbye to Demi last night because she wasgoing on her own tour this morning and her first stop was in Spain.

"Courtney" I called. She came holding hands with Niall.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I know you've been looking forward for high school and I just wanted to say goodbye and its gonna be really hard without you." I said. She hugged me.

"Aww, that's sweet but you won't miss me" she admitted. I let go of her and my eyes grew wide.

"What do you mean?" I asked. She and Niall looked at eachother and smiled and looked back at me.

"I'm coming with you." She announced

I smiled. "You are!?!" I cheered in shock. She nodded. I cheered and hugged her and Niall.

Zayn and Louis and Liam and Harry and Daniellecame out smiling

"GROUP HUG!!! " Louis yelled and joined in our hug.

"Can't....Breathe..." I said breathlessley. We let go and I caught my breath.

We all laughed.

"Zayn!" I cheered running into his arms. "What are you so happy about?" Zayn asked laughing.

"Courtney is coming on tour with us!" I cheered. Zayn smiled.

"That's awesome love!" Harry said hugging Courtney and then me .

"Now this is the time I've wanted." I said.

"Just to finally be here together with all the people I care about , drama free." I added. Everyone smiled.

"Okay now I want a group hug!" Liam said.

We all smiled and ran for a group hug.

****BEEP BEEP***
We let go and noticed the beeping of the car.

"That must be the bus driver, we better go" Liam said. He interlocked his hands with Danielle and they walked in the bus.

"Paris here we come!!" I cheered.

"WHOOO HOO!" Everyone said. We laughed and got in.


When we got to the stadium a bunch of random staff lead us in.

"Bonjour One Direction" Said one of the staff.

"Bonjour" We all said.

"puis-je prendre vos sacs?" Asked the women

"What?" Louis asked. "I DONT UNDERSTAND YOU!" Louis yelled.

We all laughed. "Louis she's french" Danielle said.

We all looked at her and nodded. "Oh then that explains," Louis said,


"Louis!" Harry yelled. "What?" Louis said.

"Adding Le to everything dosen't make it french, it makes you look ridiculous" Harry said.

We all laughed.

"What she atchually said was can i take your bags?" Zayn said.

"Oui Madame, Merci" I said. She smiled and took our bags inside and we followed in to get the boys ready for their show tonight.

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