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Marinette soon found herself at the gates of a large whitish house. It was clearly very expensive, but it didn't impress Marinette much, after all she had lived in this house most of her life. She didn't realize that she lived in this giant of a house though. She had only really seen it under the cover of darkness after all as Ladybug. She rang the door bell and a women answered. "Hello," she said in a monotone voice. "Hi, I am your foreign exchange student. Marinette Dupan-Chen." "Aw yes. Mr. Agrest has been expecting you. You may enter," the women said. The gate suddenly opened into the outer courtyard and Marinette walked up to the doors polity knocking.  The woman from earlier she assumed opened the door. She had glasses and wore a gray pantsuit. Her hair also had a streak of red in it. "Hello, I am Nathalie. I will be in charge of your schedule and of making sure your school work is acceptable. Now, follow me and I will give you a tour of the house and the house hold rules," she finished. She then let Marinette into the main hall. For Marinette the house seemed over exaggerated and too aloof already.

***Time skip***

"Now that you have seen the whole house I will allow you to speak Mr. Agrest's son, Adrien. " 'Great I am "allowed" to meet this Adrien guy,' Marinette thought while walking up the stairs to the second floor. "This," Nathalie said, "Is his sons room". She knocked and a boy with messy hair opened the door slightly stumbling in his blue pajamas that had chocolate ice cream down the front. "Yes Nathalie," he mumbled still half asleep from the nap he had just before being rudely interrupted by a knocking at his door. "I see you forgot that we now have a foreign exchange student, Adrien". Adrien slowly looked over her shoulder to see the new, cute, girl in his class smiling at him. The exact one he had a slight crush on. Adrien quickly jumped back into his room and slammed the door. "Adrien, are you all right?" Nathalie called. "Uh- Yeah, yeah. I just gotta change real fast," he called as he jumped around trying to put his pants and shirt on at the same time. He then ran back to his door still fiddling with his outfit. He then opened the door for a second time, but dressed now. "Adrien, as I was saying, this is Marinette Dupan-Chan." The girl gave him a half smirk half smile. He grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hi I'm Adrien," he said. "Hi," she said back with a slightly forced tone. "Adrien, why don't you show her to the spare room across the hall? I have much business to attend to for your father," Nathalie said looking at her watch. "Of course," Adrien said waving Marinette down the hallway he had started down. She picked up her black suitcase and followed after him. "So you come form China?" Adrien said starting up a conversation. Marinette just hummed in response. "Not very talkative I see-". "No," said Marinette, "I just don't do small talk". "Well, this is your room," Adrien said opening the door that was a couple down from his. When he opened the door it let into a room as large as Adrien's. "Wow," was all Mari could muster. The room was entirely pink. It had light pink walls with a large white and pink couch in the center facing a white rimmed TV. The TV sat on a hot pink entertainment center that was covered in fashion magazines. Where Adrien's rock wall would be was three levels (pink carpeted). There was a little elevator to get to each floor as well. The first level held a normal desk for school work. The second level was a closet type of changing area that she would not only be able to change in, but display her cloths in. The top level was a large fashion designing area. It had a hot pink table in the center with a sowing machine and patters already laid out for her. Her bed had black swirls over the pink comforter and had light magenta sheets. There was a sign that hung above her bed that said Très Chic in large cursive lettering. She had the same type of computer as Adrien with the same large screen. She had a door leading to her private bathroom as well. She even had a runway that went down one side of her room, of course it was purple and pink and light up. To top it all off, she had a large library up above her bed that was filled the pink bookshelves with tones of books. Marinette scowled and Adrien laughed. He himself thought that this was way over the top as well. "Hey," Marinette asked him, "Do you have anything to do today." Adrien's heart flipped a little when the girls big, bluebell orbs looked into his green ones. Without missing a beat he said no. "Perfect, do you wanna help me fix this hot pink mess of a room?" He quickly agreed. They searched the house and happened upon a couple cans of black, green, and red paint and a black carpet. The spent the 12 hours that they should have been sleeping painting her room and redoing her furniture. Soon her walls became black with a red ladybug symbol. Her desk turned red, and the desks turned black as well. She then took the green to re-paint her bookshelves' and bed's frame. The pulled up the pink soft carpet and left the wood floor underneath showing. They then re-carpeted the elevator and three tears that held the closet and such. By the time it was time for them to start getting ready for the Saturday ahead all that was left to do was let the paint dry. Adrien and Mari had talked a lot of the time and Adrien found that by the morning her room wasn't the only thing that had changed. His feelings for Mari had as well. He had fallen for Paris's super villain, unbenounced to him at least.


What do you guys think of the chapter! I hope ya'll liked it. I have tried to put a lot of detail into this and a lot of my time as well. Please tell me what you think. Is this any good at all?

Also, what will happen with this reverse love square? Do you think Mari knows of Adrien's crush on her? Will Ladybug become good? Will Chat turn evil? Until next time! Have a Miraculous day.

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